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The South Side Chicago neighborhood looked like a war zone. The glory days of the two-story houses lining Blackwell Avenue had clearly gone by long ago. Most windows and doors were boarded up. Piles of litter could be seen in every direction.

Jason and Corey remained in the car with Neil Smith, the CIA agent Brown had sent them to. They were all taking stock of the impoverished place.

Three men leaned against a tree that was in dire need of trimming. Several teenage boys on skateboards went up and down the street.

“Something is off about this,” Corey said.

He nodded, feeling the same. “Doesn’t look like that place has any occupants at all to me.” Glancing down at his ROC one more time, he verified the address. The white house in the middle of the block was the one Brown had told them was Mitrofanov’s headquarters of operation.

“I agree.” Smith seemed like a typical CIA spook, secretive and dedicated. “This is too far from the action the Russian is into. Mitrofanov’s son, Sergei, ran drugs through an orphanage ten miles from here, but that was shut down a while back after your people took him out in Destiny.”

The Stone brothers had rescued Amber from Sergei Mitrofanov. That had started the ball rolling. Niklaus wanted revenge against the entire town for the loss of his son.

Corey opened the car door. “Let’s get to it.”

Jason admired Corey’s determination. Shane was in trouble, mixed up with Niklaus Mitrofanov somehow and likely the killer of McCrae. They needed to find Shane and soon.

They walked up to the door, each holding their weapons.

The kids in the street stopped skating and the men by the tree stopped passing the bottle.

They seemed to know something was about to go down.

Maybe they were wrong about the house being abandoned.

* * * *

Phoebe looked at the text on her cell and felt her heart jump up into her throat. It was from Shane.

Sis, I need you. I heard you were in Chicago. So am I. I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve put you through. Please come and get me. I’m at 11368 South Mainstee Road.



“What’s wrong, baby?” Mitchell asked.

She handed him her phone. “We’ve got to go. Now.”

Mitchell read the text. “She got a message from Shane.” He handed the phone to Lucas.

Her pulse raced. “I’ve got to help my brother.”

Lucas put his arm around her. “Try to call him, baby.”

Mitchell nodded. “Great idea, bro.”

“Yes, it is.” She took the phone from Lucas and clicked on Shane’s number. “It went straight to voice mail. That’s not unusual for him. He always forgets to charge his phone.”

“Phoebe, call Corey and let him know about the text,” Mitchell said.

“No. He’s working with Jason” She stood, feeling every beat of her heart in her temples. “I want to wait until we hear Shane’s side of the story.”

Lucas nodded. “Let’s get a cab and go get him.”

As they rushed out of the conference room together, she felt anxious and said a silent prayer.

Let Shane be innocent.
