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The instructor finished the cool-down portion of the class. “Good job, everyone. No better way to start your day than forty-five minutes of aerobics. If you agree, let me hear it.”

Most of the students cheered or applauded.

Cami heard Toni grumble under her breath. “I know a lot of ways that are better, like a good cup of hot coffee.”

She and Izzy laughed quietly, knowing Toni wasn’t a morning person. Far from it.

“I hope you all have a great day.”

Cami hoped so, too. She turned to her two friends. Izzy had been awake early, but Toni hadn’t. Still, they both came. They knew she needed them.

Toni wiped her face with her towel. “Girls, I just have to get a cup of coffee. It’s not even seven yet.”

“Let’s go to the Starbucks down the block,” Izzy said.

Without a word,

Toni rushed out of the room.

“I’ve never seen her move so fast before, Izzy.”

“Me either. No one comes between her and her morning cup of java.” They walked out of the door, following after Toni.

Once they had their morning drinks, the three of them sat down at one of the coffee shop’s tables. Toni took a sip. “God, that helps.”

Cami smiled. “Thank you both for coming.”

“Sweetie, your text made it clear you needed to talk,” Izzy said. “Of course we’d be here, no matter what time.”

“That’s true.” Toni grinned. “But maybe we could meet without the aerobics and the little-miss-sunshine instructor.”

Izzy smiled. “Just drink your coffee, Ms. Grumpy Pants, and let’s hear Cami out.”

Toni nodded.

Her two friends looked at Cami with eyes full of love and concern.

“Plain and simple, I blew my date with Miguel and Roberto.”

“That’s impossible,” Toni said. “I know how you are, Cami, always beating yourself up for no reason. I’m sure you were fine.”

“At first, yes. They were perfect and made me feel like a princess.”

“So far, so good,” Izzy said. “And?”

“And then I screwed up.” She told them all the details of the night up to what had happened when she’d seen their driver’s nametag. “It took me back to that terrible night.”

“Oh, honey.” Izzy grabbed her hand. “I’m so sorry.”

Toni took her other hand. “You’ve suffered so much because of that bastard.”

“To top it all off, I got another prank call, but at least it pulled me out of the nightmare I was having about that night.”

“I thought those had stopped,” Toni said.

“So did I. It had been so long since I’d had one.”

Izzy sighed. “The driver’s name triggered the dream, I bet.”

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