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“I’m sure you’re right.” She looked at her two friends. “I almost called you both after the prank call until I realized it was three in the morning. So I decided to wait.”

“Cami, you shouldn’t have waited,” Toni said flatly. “You know we’re here for each other no matter what. Or no matter what time it is. Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re staying at my place until we can figure out who is harassing you. The most important thing is that you’re safe.”

“Okay, but how are we going to determine who my prank caller is? That could be a difficult task.” She leaned back in her chair, fear welling up inside her once again. “And what if it’s Hank that’s calling me? I’m sure he’s out of prison by now. He was only sentenced to five years.”

“He should’ve been sent away for the rest of his miserable life, in my humble opinion.” Toni had never fully trusted Hank, but then again, she never fully trusted any man. No wonder, since her husband had cheated on her.

“Cami, it may be difficult but not impossible for my guys to find out who your caller is,” Izzy said. “They have the resources necessary, and the first thing I’m going to have them do is locate Hank.”

“If he’s Cami’s caller, I swear I’ll cut off his balls with a rusty knife.” Toni slammed her cup down on the table. “Fucking asshole.”

Izzy’s cell buzzed. “It’s a text from Miguel and Roberto.”

Cami felt her heart skip several beats. “What does it say?”

“‘Concerned about Camille. Date was great until the very end. We’re worried about her. We’d like to come over to try to figure this out.’” Izzy looked her in the eyes. “Don’t you think they deserve to know what is going on? I think we should all go back to my place and ask them to meet us there.”

“I know you’re right, Izzy, but it’s hard. I can’t imagine what they will think of me when they hear the truth.” I’m damaged goods.

“That’s on them, sister,” Toni said, “not you.”

Izzy nodded. “The Sanchez brothers will respond perfectly with concern and compassion, Cami. They are good men. That’s why I wanted you to go out with them in the first place.” She held up her cell. “How do you want me to respond?”

“Okay.” She sighed. “I’ll go back to your place to meet them. Let them know I’m going to be with you so they can expect me.”

Telling Miguel and Roberto about what had happened was going to be difficult. She wasn’t sure how they would respond, but Izzy was right. They deserved the truth, no matter how ugly.

Chapter Eleven

Miguel rode the elevator up to the Gibbs’s penthouse with his brother. Neither of them had slept since their date ended with Cami. When the doors opened, she was standing on the other side, as gorgeous as ever, but with troubled eyes. She was clearly still upset, but he was grateful she’d agreed to meet them.

“Hi,” she whispered softly.

“Hey,” he and Roberto said in unison. He wanted to pull her into his arms and tell her everything was going to be okay, but how could he? He still didn’t know what had upset her last night. What if it was me? Or Roberto? Or both of us? Whatever it was, he wanted to fix it so that they could pick up where they’d left off.

Izzy and Toni were standing on either side of Cami.

“Come on in, guys,” Izzy said. “Let’s all have a seat in the living room.”

Izzy and Toni led Cami into the other room, guiding her to the center of the sofa. The two women each sat on opposite sides of her, obviously wanting to give her support.

“May I get you something to drink?” Izzy asked him and Roberto. “Coffee, tea, water?”

“No thanks,” he answered.

“We just want to know what happened last night,” Roberto said flatly. “Camille, everything was going so great, and then—”

“And then I ran off and ruined a perfectly wonderful evening.”

“Sweetheart, whatever we did, I’m sorry.” He pointed at Roberto. “We’re both sorry. Just tell us and we’ll make it right.”

“You didn’t do anything. I’m the one who owes you an apology, not the other way around. I hope you will forgive me. I really did have an amazing time with you.”

“Something did happen, though, right?” Roberto needed answers.

So do I. How else are we going to get past this so that we can start fresh with Cami?

“Yes, but I really feel ridiculous.”
