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“Hard to do knowing you mean to restrain me.” She clenched her jaw.

“Angel, have I led you wrong? Haven’t you enjoyed everything we’ve done?”

“Yes, but—”

“But nothing. You’re a woman with needs. You kept yourself for a man who didn’t want you. Tonight, you have two that desire you very much. I want you to experience every side of sex that can give you pleasure. This might work for you. It might not. But how will you know if you don’t try?

More items came out of Dallas’s suitcase onto the blanket by her feet. Dildos. Vibrators. Lubricant. Condoms. And several things Jessie didn’t recognize.

“I’m not sure about this.”

Dallas knelt down on the other side of Phoenix. “You will be. Phoenix is new to this, too, so I’ll be your primary guide. First, you need a safe word. Have you heard about that before?”

“I’m from Manhattan. Of course, I have.” Some of Michael’s friends she’d met recently were into the gay leather scene. They’d been happy to tell her all about their lifestyle. She’d been more than a bit intrigued by it. Now, she figured the rules must be similar in the heterosexual world of domination and bondage.

“Sassy. I like. But you’re going to get into trouble if you give us too much lip, love.” Dallas stood up. “This is going to be really fun for all of us, but especially you, Jessie.”

“I haven’t agreed to anything yet.”

Dallas held what looked like wristbands in his hands, but there was a metal ring attached to them. “There’s one thing we do agree on.”

She tried to frown, but couldn’t. “What’s that?”

“We all want you dripping with desire, right?”

Phoenix kissed her cheek then shot her a lusty grin. “I know I do.”

Her pussy got really damp, and the last of her defiance ducked out. One more scratch from these wicked brothers surely will be enough to hold me for the rest of my life. “So, what do I have to do?” If tonight didn’t alleviate her growing unconventional urges, so be it. She would learn to resist.

Dallas nodded. “Good girl. We’ll instruct you. First, stand up.”

Phoenix helped her to her feet, keeping his hands on her waist. “I promise we will keep you safe. No matter what.”

Newborn tingles danced inside her. She’d only come to realize her desire for more than one man at a time. Now they were tempting her with some dominance play. Could she really respond to what they were offering?

Dallas placed cuffs on both her wrists. “Let’s establish your safe word. It needs to be something we all will remember, no matter what is going on. It can’t be sexual in any way. Also, don’t pick a word you would use often. No is not a good word for this, neither is stop. Do you have something in mind, or do you want me to choose a word for you?”

“Sure. How about Alaska?” Something that said cold and freezing. Made sense to her.

“Good choice, Jessie. Phoenix, you got it?”


“Great. Jessie, if you say the safe word, we stop whatever we’re doing. We will remove any restraints or toys. Phoenix and I will stop everything. You take whatever time you need to process what happened. When you’re comfortable to talk about what went wrong, we will listen. If you don’t feel like talking about it, we won’t pressure you.”

“So the safe word will always work, no matter what?”

“Yes. Our job is to push you to find your limit, but not beyond it. We do this by observing your responses to what we do to you. For instance...” Dallas reached out and pinched both her nipples hard.

Jessie winced and thought about testing him with her safe word but didn’t. She knew he wasn’t lying, and just knowing she could halt everything with one word took away her apprehension. Besides, she wanted to find her limits with these two sexy cowboys. She wasn’t sure how far she could go, but she was excited to find out. The Wilde brothers were opening her up to a whole new range of sexual possibilities.

The sting of his hold on her breasts’ nubbins had her chewing on her lip. Desire began to spring from the ache.

Dallas released her, and she could feel her pulse throbbing in her nipples.

“How did I do?”
