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“You’re right about that.” The old cowboy placed his hat on the hook by the door. “This is likely to go on until midnight. Son, introduce me to the lady.”

“This is Jessie Green. Jessie, this is my granddad, Pappy Jack.”

She stepped forward and offered her hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

His granddad took her hand and brought it up to his lips, placing a gentleman’s kiss on the back of her hand. He leaned up, releasing her hand. “The pleasure is mine, little lady. Now, about your clothes. We need to get them dried out. Jessie, I think you would fit in one of my wife’s outfits. Dallas, you’re too big for any of my clothes, so you’re going to have to wear a towel.”

“You just love embarrassing me, don’t you?”

The old man laughed. “That I do, son. That I do. Go get some towels for Jessie. Get one for yourself, too. You know where they are?”

“Yes, sir. I do.” Dallas went to the only bathroom in the place. It was pretty spacious and even had a tub. Pappy Jack had it put in right after he and his brothers married Dallas’s grandmother. He took out four big towels from the cabinet and went back to the main room of the cabin.

Dallas handed three of the towels to Jessie.

“Thank you.”

“We’ll give you some privacy to change clothes. My bedroom is right through that door, hon. My wife’s things are in the closet to the right of the bed. Put on anything you like. Probably a bit old-fashioned, but it should do until your clothes are dried.”

“Thank you, Pappy Jack.”

“You’re welcome, darlin’. It’s nice having a woman here again.”

Jessie walked over to him. “Do you mind if I give you a hug?”

“Mind? I’d be hurt if you didn’t.”

Dallas watched her grab on to his granddad, and he put his arms around her. When they let go of each other, Dallas would’ve sworn that he saw the tough codger wipe his eyes.

Jessie smiled and kissed his granddad’s cheek. Then she went to the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

“That one is a keeper, son.” Pappy Jack patted him on the back.

“Yes, she is.”

“How about some coffee to warm you up, son?”

“Whiskey would work faster.”

His granddad nodded. “That it would. Hard to believe, but I just happen to have some handy. Shuck those clothes and put them on your grandma’s rocker by the fireplace. They’re going to take awhile to dry.”

After downing a couple of shots of liquor, the cold inside Dallas faded. Pappy Jack poured two more shots, but before they could drink them, Jessie returned. She’d chosen one of Gran’s dresses that fell just below the knee. It was pale blue, and the V-neck dipped just enough for him to get a glimpse of her cleavage. His cock made a tent out of the towel he wore. He looked over at Pappy Jack. The old man was wiping his eyes, and tears were streaming from them. It startled Dallas. He’d only seen his granddad cry once. That was at Gran’s funeral.

Pappy Jack choked. “I’m sorry, young lady. I’ve become a woman in my old age. It’s just...seeing you in Carol’s dress... Well, it took me back. I apologize.”

“I’m sorry if this upset you.” Jessie’s concern was evident on her face. “Let me take these off. A towel will work just fine for me.”

“No, hon. I’m okay now. You keep them on.”

Dallas choked, “I miss Gran, too.”

“I know you do, son.”

Jessie took the chair at the table between Dallas and Pappy Jack. “Tell me about her. I’m sure she was an incredible woman.”

His granddad nodded. “Swept me and my brothers off our feet, she did.”

“Was she from Wilde?”
