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“Nope. Her kin were from Maine. They weren’t too happy with my brothers and me, but they eventually warmed up to us.”

“So did she have a tough time warming up to the idea of marrying more than one man?”

Dallas was glad that Jessie was asking this question. He hoped it meant that she was considering what he and his brothers wanted.

“I think I better get the good stuff out for this kind of conversation. You like whiskey, Jessie?”

“Don’t know. I’ve drunk vodka, tequila, and gin, before. Never tried any dark liquors.”

“Well, let me introduce you to Mr. Glenlivet 1959. He makes angels sing and devils weep. For us, he just might deliver a bit of good cheer.”

“I think I’ll like him.” She smiled.

Pappy Jack filled up three glasses with the good stuff.

“Mmm. That’s good.” Jessie licked her lips. “I might get used to Mr. Glenlivet.”

“I’m glad you like it.” His granddad took another drink from his glass. “You asked me about my wife, little lady. There’s a lot to tell.”

“I’d love to hear about her, Pappy Jack.”

He put his hand over hers. “Then you shall.” The old man closed his eyes, as if to transport back to the past. “I’d just finished my tour of duty in southeast Asia. My two brothers, Tom and Will, met me in San Fran.”

Dallas missed Pappy Tom and Pappy Will. They’d taken him and his brothers on weeklong fishing and hunting trips when he was a kid.

Pappy Jack continued, “Tom and I wanted to leave early the next day. Will convinced us to stay an extra day. He thought we deserved a boys’ night out. Well, a day turned into a month after we met Carol.”

“Sounds romantic.”

“Wasn’t at first. Will fell for her instantly. Tom and I took a bit longer.”

Jessie took a sip of her whiskey. “You said she was from Maine. What was she doing in San Francisco?”

“Attending Stanford.”

“I didn’t know Gran went to college.”

“Actually got her degree in biology there, son.”

“You like your women smart, Pappy Jack?” Jessie teased.

“Only one. And she was incredibly so. Tom knew she was the one for us by the third day. Me, I’m pretty slow.”

“Wasn’t love at first sight?” she asked.

“Probably. I just fought it. I was worried she wouldn’t understand our ways. But she did come around, though it took some convincing.”

“No woman could resist you.” She grabbed his granddad’s hand. “I’m sure Carol was a very lucky woman to have three men to love her.”

“We were the lucky ones.” Pappy Jack downed his whiskey. “Tom died in ’90 and Will in ’97. Carol asked to move here after they died. I built this, you know.”

“I’ve learned all Wilde boys have to build their own house by the time they turn eighteen.”

“That’s true. Turns boys into men like it did to my grandson here.”

“I think it works really well.” Jessie gazed at Dallas.

His cock pushed the towel up another inch, though neither of them could see since his chair was scooted up under the table.
