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The man glared at Dallas. “And if you or your brothers don’t come to me with cut brake lines or anything suspicious like that ever again, I’ll bust your heads together and throw you all in jail. Got it?”

“Yes, sir. I got it.”

“Good.” The sheriff touched Dallas’s shoulder. “How are your parents holding up with all this?”

“Just got word to them. Dads and Mom are on their way with my brothers. They should all be here any minute.”

“Well, I’ve got to get on this case right away. Chin up, cowboy.”

“Yes, sir. Chin up.”

The sheriff tipped his hat to Jessie then left the waiting room.

She leaned into Dallas, not knowing what else to do to comfort him.

He stood up. “Love, there’s a vending machine one floor down. Would you like something to drink?”

A doctor walked into the waiting room. “Jackson Wilde’s family?”

“That’s us.” Dallas motioned Jessie to his side. “He’s our granddad.”

Jackson is named after his grandfather. She braced for the news about Pappy Jack.

The doctor nodded. “It went really well. We were able to remove all the shrapnel. There was no damage to any organs. We sewed up several lacerations and had to set a fracture in his forearm. He’ll be in a cast for several weeks, but with his heart and stamina... I doubt we’ll keep him in the hospital more than a few days.”

Dallas shook the doctor’s hand. “Thank you. That’s great news.”

“When can we see him?” Jessie asked.

“He should be out of recovery shortly. Check with the nurse’s station to see what room he goes to.” The doctor nodded then walked down the hall.

Jessie squeezed Dallas’s hand. “He’s going to be okay.”

Dallas sighed a big whoosh of relief.

Just then, the other Wilde brothers, Jackson, Phoenix, Denver, and Austin walked into the waiting room. Their looks were somber and pensive.

“He’s okay,” Dallas announced.

Three men and a woman entered.

“Mom, Pappy Jack is doing great. We just talked to the doctor.” Dallas and the others surrounded their mother. She was a beautiful woman.

Mrs. Wilde closed her eyes. “Thank God.”

Jessie thought about trying to slip away. This was a family thing, and she felt like an intruder.

“This must be Jessie.” The tallest of the three men walked up to her. He offered her his hand. “I’m Daniel Wilde.”

She shook his hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

“These two idiots are my brothers, Dillon and Craig.”


They tipped their hats.

Craig Wilde said, “Nice to finally meet you, Jessie.”
