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“Ditto,” Dillon Wilde added.

“Ditto? You’re kidding?” Craig smiled.

“I’m a man of few words.”

Daniel raised an eyebrow. “Unless you’ve had too many beers.” He pointed at Mrs. Wilde. “And this is Mary, our wife.”

The woman smiled. “Jessie, I think you and I should have a talk very soon.”

“I think you’re right, Mrs. Wilde.”

Chapter Nine

Jessie sat in her hotel room with four of the five Wilde brothers sitting on her bed. The one missing was on all their minds, including hers.

Phoenix shook his head. “Austin just can’t be the one behind all of this.”

“I agree,” Dallas chimed in. “He would never hurt any of us.”

“But what if he didn’t know that anyone was going with Jessie to the Old Mine?” Jackson asked. “What if he thought she was going alone?”

“He’s not one to leave out an angle.” Denver rubbed his chin. “Sure, she could’ve gone there by herself. If Austin is behind this, he’s operating in way that’s not like him.”

“Guys, isn’t it obvious what we need to do?”

“No,” Jackson said.

The other three just shrugged.

She asked, “You all want him to share a wife with you, right?”

“That’s our hope,” Denver answered.

“Well, then we have to clear him of all suspicion. You know, innocent until proven guilty.”

Denver’s eyes narrowed. “How do we do that, little one?”

“Keep investigating. Ask questions. Make observations. The truth won’t be hidden long. We’ll get to whoever is behind this. We’re a team.”

“I like the sound of that.” Phoenix smiled.

“Me, too, bro.” Jackson nodded.

“As Dad Dillon always says, ditto.” The corners of Denver’s lips curled up, intriguing her. She hadn’t seen him smile much.

“Stop pushing her, guys.” Dallas’s tone was very serious. “Love, are you talking about us all working to find out who injured Pappy Jack, or do you mean more when you say that we’re a team?”

She put her hands on her hips. “I want to find out who tried to kill me, yes.”

“And?” Denver prodded forcefully.

“Let’s see where that takes us.”

Jackson patted the bed. “How about taking your hot body straight to this bed?”

“I walked into that one, didn’t I?” Jessie’s excitement rose.

“Yes, you did. And I’m really happy about that, too.”
