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Catching my breath, I leaned back against the door and stared at Knox. He was smiling that perfect smile, the one that used to make me weak. The one that still did. Laugh lines at the corners of his mouth, straight white teeth, hazel eyes bright. He ran his hand through his dark hair and slicked it back before puffing out his cheeks and blowing out a breath.

He stared back at me, his smile fading. As his eyes scanned my face I took a deep breath, willing myself not to react to him. Since the attack, I hadn't been able to bear the thought of anyone touching me, but right at that moment I wanted his hands all over me. Gripping my hips. Threading his fingers through my hair. Pulling on my bottom lip with his teeth while his fingers dug into my thighs. My brain was scattered, everywhere all at once.

“I should get towels,” I said quietly.

Other than the brief flash of lightning, we were shrouded in darkness. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked past him, keeping a safe distance before heading up the stairs to the linen closet. My heart was pounding and I was shivering. Maybe from being soaked head to toe or maybe from something else, something I hadn’t felt in a long, long time. I shook my head and opened the door, grabbing towels and willing myself to calm down.

It’s Knox, I told myself as I patted the soft cotton against my face. You do not want to go down this road again; look how well it ended before. You don’t want to get sucked into Hurricane Knox again, do you? Don’t be so stupid. Get your head on straight, girl.

Hurricane Fitzgerald was a term I came up with in my high school days when my afternoons were filled with scribbling Knox’s name across my notebook. He wasn’t a painting, nor was he a piece of art. He was a goddamn storm and I loved every second of his chaos. I loved the way he swept me up and turned my teenage years upside down. Young love is all consuming, and our was not an exception.

A creak on the stairs made me straighten my spine, my brain automatically going into overdrive. It was a reflex, assuming the worst. But after a deep breath, I looked up as Knox entered my line of vision. His eyes met mine as I closed the closet door, my hand gripping the knob tightly.

“I missed you,” he said quietly, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was confused by his own admission.

My breath caught in my throat. “I missed you.”

Knox moved forward, his black t-shirt plastered to his chest. Ever since he'd shown up on Robbie’s doorstep, I had been fighting the urge to tell him how good he looked. I wanted to run my hands over his chest just to feel how hard it was. I wanted to slide my thumb against his mouth just to see if his lips were as soft as they used to be. An obvious strength radiated off of him and it was alluring. Intoxicating.

My back hit the wall, and I realized I was backing up as he was moving forward. He placed a wide palm against the wall next to my head and I could feel the heat of his gaze on me as I looked everywhere but his face. His other hand reached up and his fingers traced the fading bruise around my eye, the tips of his fingers touching my temple.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against my tender skin. It was so gentle that I barely felt it, but it wasn’t about whether or not I felt it. It was the sentiment, the action.


“I hate that I wasn’t there,” he said and cupped my cheek, tilting my head up so that I was looking at him. The expression on his face was pained. “If I’d been there... “

I tried to lighten the mood and gave a nervous laugh. “I think after five years I stopped being your responsibility.”

Knox slid his hand back until his fingers gripped the back of my neck, pressing lightly. “That’s not funny.”

What was I supposed to say, that I wished he was there? That I wanted him there? That I thought about him all the time and sometimes the thoughts were all consuming and I couldn’t focus on anything else?

“I wanted you there,” was all I could manage.

“How bad?”

I reached up and grabbed his wrist, squeezing lightly. His skin was soft and he smelled good, so clean. My senses were overwhelmed.

“I thought about you all the time. I wanted you at the hospital with me and I wanted you to hold my hand and tell me that we would deal with it together. Knox, I wanted-”

All at once, his mouth was on mine and I gasped, feeling his tongue eagerly slip into my mouth. I was pinned between him and the wall and there was absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be. He cupped my face with both hands and completely dominated the kiss, tilting my head to the right and sliding his tongue deeper, tasting me and swallowing my small moan.

The kiss was rough. Passionate. Completely wrong and inappropriate, though I was too lost to care. His teeth pulled at my bottom lip and I whimpered as I pressed myself against his long, lean body. Knox released my lip and I nearly growled at the sudden loss only to feel his hands slide down and cup my ass, squeezing the flesh so hard it hurt.

There was a desperation to his movements and I couldn’t say I blamed him. It had been so long since we kissed, so long since we touched that I felt lost in the sensation. It was as though I was floating and sinking all at once, and maybe I was. Maybe I was sinking back into my old life at home, my old life with Knox. Maybe there wasn’t a goddamn thing I could do to stop it.

Maybe it was fate.

“Knox,” I barely managed before his mouth was on mine again, the force of the kiss pushing my head back. He completely took over and I was so ready and so willing. He could have fucked me right there against the wall of my brother’s house and I would have let him without a second thought. Our teeth clashed and our tongues twisted. I tangled my fingers in his thick hair and tugged hard, earning a groan.

“Jump,” Knox ordered roughly and pulled me up, my legs wrapping around his waist. He settled me down against him, his cock pressed against the seam of my jeans. The friction only offered a short relief before I was craving more, pressing down a little harder and grinding against him. His lips and tongue swept up the curve of my neck, caressing the skin that covered my pulse. I moaned and my legs squeezed him tighter.

“I want you. Right here,” he said. His eyes were heavy lidded and his pupils were dilated. He looked dangerous and sexy, and his hair was a mess. There was absolutely no way I was going to be able to say no to him.

“Fuck me,” I whispered.

“Dirty fucking mouth.”
