Page 14 of The Prettiest Woman

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“Her? With a joke of a high school education? The only option available to her is selling that pretty little ass of hers and jobs like this.”

I laughed, “That’s your problem with her? She’s too pretty for your taste?”

“I’m not intimidated by pretty women. I know that pretty doesn’t pay the bills unless you put a price tag on it.”

I groaned, “Just stop! I’m about to get ready to go out on the floor. If you need anything from me that pertains to my job then just let me know. I don’t want to gossip with you, and I don’t want to hear your rants.”

“Don’t forget to punch in on time. You have a bad habit of that.”

“But I do the work and I never ask you to cover for me.”

“I swear I just need people in here that will do their job. There are people who would kill to have the opportunity to work. The economy is horrible right now, so I’m going to need you to act like you’re grateful.”

“I’m here when I’m supposed to be and I do the work. If that’s not an expression of gratitude then I don’t know what is. I don’t have to put up with this harassment.”

“Just go do your job.”

I rolled my eyes and went to punch in. I couldn’t wait until I graduated so that I could get the hell out of that place. The jobs that pay the least treat you the worst and want the most. That’s some ironic shit.


After I got off of work, I headed to see my mom. I brought her some cream of chicken soup for her this time; it’s her favorite. She could eat it every day of her life and be happy.

“Hey baby.” my mom said.

I looked her over and smiled. She was having a good day.

“You look good mom.”

“I feel good.” she smiled.

“What have you been up to this evening?”

“Nothing much, watching The Good Wife.”

“You’re so addicted to that show.” I laughed.

“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it girl.”

“I don’t have time to get addicted to shows. I’m lucky if I get to watch TV at all. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even know why I have that thing in my apartment.”

“Because Jezebel loves TV.” my mom said with a grin.

“Her name isn’t Jezebel mom.”

“I know Jessica’s name. I still don’t understand why you would move in with that heffa. She’s been trouble from the day that you met her.”

“I’m not about to talk about my friendship with you.” I said shortly, “She’s my friend, she’s not going anywhere and that’s it.”

My mom raised an eyebrow and gave me a look that I knew all too well. I was always free to express myself with my mother but she didn’t tolerate disrespect.

“Sorry for being so evil. It’s been a long day. I also had to hear Georgia talking shit about Jessica today. I don’t understand why everyone hates her. What has she done to anybody?”

“It’s not that we hate her, it’s just that we see the good in you and we see the evil in her. When you’ve lived as long as we have, you get to know people really well. We know when people aren’t about anything. She is going to drag you down. You should have gotten an apartment with someone that was going to school like you. What does she do all day? Is she paying her part of the rent? I wouldn’t put it past her to come up with excuses when it’s time to pay up.”

“Mom, would you stop worrying? I would also appreciate if you respected my decision in friends. I know what kind of person she is, better than anybody, and I love her anyway. Yes, she can make questionable choices but she truly is my friend. We look out for each other and I’m not going to throw that friendship away because other people don’t feel comfortable with it.”

“You didn’t answer my question about the rent.”

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