Page 17 of The Prettiest Woman

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“The easiest way to explain it is that I buy companies.”

“Oh, so you’re the big fish, eating up all of the small fish?”

“Exactly.” he laughed.

“So how close are you to graduating?”

“I’ll be done next year.”

“Then what?”

“Then I’ll enter into a CPA program.”

“Wow, I’m impressed.

I was the one that was impressed. He was asking me a lot of questions about myself. That was rare. We spoke for the next few minutes and then we were interrupted by a knock on his door.

“I’m sorry. I’ll have to speak to you later. But let’s catch up tomorrow and arrange a time to see each other in person, if you’re interested.”

“I would like that.”

“Cool, it was very nice to meet you. I look forward to speaking with you tomorrow.”

“Same here, have a wonderful evening.”


The interaction ended and I squealed like a school girl. He was the kind of guy that I could really see myself being with. He was rich, successful and seemingly normal. I probably wouldn’t have met him under any other circumstances, so maybe that site wasn’t so bad after all. I finally felt something that I hadn’t felt in a long time: butterflies.

“What are you screaming about?” Jessica said when she poked her head from her door.

She startled me, “I didn’t know you were here.”

“Yes, I’m here and I’m trying to get some sleep but

that’s ruined now. So go ahead and tell me what you’re all excited about.”

I gave a huge grin and walked to her room with my phone in hand, “You have to see the guy that I just met off of the site. He’s sexy as hell, and he’s young.”

Her eyebrows raised, “Oh yeah? Show me.”

We sat on her bed and I pulled up his profile. I watched her eyes get huge and she shook her head, “There’s no way he’s real. He’s gotta be a fake. That’s another thing that I wanted to warn you about. Some men on there are posers. They just want to have phone sex or start a text relationship. They’re usually broke losers.”

“No, he’s not fake, I just Facetimed him and he looks even better than his picture.”

“What? I’m a little jealous right now.” she laughed, “But that’s wassup! When are you going to meet him?”

“I don’t know, we’ll probably arrange something on iMessage. Hopefully, I’ll get to meet him over the weekend.”

“See, chica! I told you that you would find someone hot. Just make sure that you keep your wits about you and remember what you’re there for. He’s not someone that you want to fall in love with and don’t give his ass anything without getting something in return. Some of the good-looking men are broke posers too or they think that they don’t have to cough up gifts because of how they look. Don’t let him get away with that shit.”

I rolled my eyes and stayed silent. I wasn’t a gold digger. I also didn’t want to think that far ahead. He and I hadn’t gone out yet and thinking about how I was going to get into his pockets just didn’t feel right.

“Keep scrolling girl, I want to see more.” Jessica said. I laughed and showed her more of his photos. She took a quick breath when she saw him standing on a beach with his shirt off. He had a bronzed six-pack. “Honey, this photo is making me clutch my pearls. Would you consider sleeping with him?”

I laid back on her bed and thought about it, “He has such a great body that I may have to take on a third job and pay him. He has that Magic Mike vibe going on.”

Jessica laughed, “Girl you’re in heat and I can’t say that I blame you. But please remember what I said. The good looking guys think that they can use you, so be careful. If you do anything with him, make sure he’s looking after you in return. Don’t get swept up or caught up, these men aren’t the kind that you want to fall in love with. They will chew you up and discard you. Don’t let him be the only one that’s doing the using.”
