Page 16 of The Prettiest Woman

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A week later, nothing truly changed about my uneventful life. I didn’t go back to the website although I got messages every now and then. I saw the photos of them in my email and they all looked creepy and old. My thoughts to leave the site alone seemed like a better idea than to move forward with it.

Chris even tried to call me a couple of times to apologize but I sent him straight to voicemail. I wasn’t going to deal with anyone that tried to treat me like a hooker. It looked like I was going to have to make my money the good old fashion way.

Jessica had finally been fired officially and she couldn’t have cared any less. She had no intentions on returning to the restaurant, anyway. She never even showed up to pick up her last check. Georgia was pretty pissed about having to put it in the mail. She loved being able to lord over people and Jessica wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.

I aced my test just like I thought that I did. Rodney was a little jealous because he got a B. He then suggested that we be study partners but I declined. I didn’t want to be bothered with his advances.

One evening as I was leaving work, I got an email and I looked at it on my iPhone on my way home. It was another message from that horrid site I opened it so that I could get a good chuckle at the loser in my inbox. Only this time, the man was really good-looking and he looked pretty young. His stat said that he was thirty-two. I went to take a look at his profile on the site out of curiosity.

His name was Vince and it said that he’d just joined that day. He was recently separated and looking for a “stress free arrangement with a girl that he can spoil and treat like a princess”. White men usually weren’t my style but even I had to admit that he was pretty fuckin’ hot.

I shook my head. He was probably some loser behind a computer screen that was trying to catfish me. He probably stole the pictures from some unsuspecting man on Facebook. I didn’t see why a man that looked like that would use a sugar daddy website. I’m sure that he didn’t have any problems finding a woman to give it up.

I sent him a message, “Nice try, why don’t you show me your real pics?’

I closed my eyes and waited for my train to get to my stop. I wasn’t about to get my hopes up over some fake. I’d seen enough of the show Catfish. I was home about 45 minutes later and I saw I had another message from Vince.

It said, “Send me your number and we can FaceTime, if you like.”

My senses went on high alert. I paced the floor a few times and wondered if I should go through with it. If he really turned out to be the same person, then he had to have some major issues, right? Why would a man that good-looking want to pay someone for their time?

I sat on the couch and waited. Five minutes later I felt like an idiot. Why was I waiting for him to call me? He was probably busy and he never specified when he was going to contact me. I went to my laptop and prepared to get started on my Women’s Studies homework. Right as I was about to begin, my FaceTime app alerted me. It was him!

I smoothed down my hair quickly and cursed myself for not reapplying my lip gloss. I licked my lips and answered his call.

And, he was a cutie!

He has short jet black hair, beautiful blue eyes, dimples and a five o’clock shadow. He looked so sexy. I was a little speechless. We sat there staring at each other for at least a full twenty seconds before we said anything.

“Wow.” he said in a breathless tone.

“Wow?” I asked.

“You’re stunning.”

I blushed, “Thank you, so are you. I mean, you’re handsome.”

He smiled and I melted. He had beautiful white teeth with elongated canines. I immediately thought of the vampire movies that I loved so much. He could bite me anytime he wanted.

“Thank you, babe.”

“You’re very welcome. So what are you doing on a site like that anyway?”

“I could ask you the same thing. Honestly, it was something that I did on a whim. When I saw you, I just had to reach out.”

“I’m glad that you did.”

“So what do you do?” He asked.

“I’m an accounting student. I work at a restaurant and I intern at an investment firm.”

“Whoa, you’re a busy woman. When do you sleep?”

“When I can.” I laughed.

“I know the feeling.”

“So what do you do?” I asked.

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