Page 41 of The Prettiest Woman

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A half hour later and I was on the bus. I had enough money to take a cab but I didn’t want to waste it. I wasn’t rolling in dough and I needed to use all of the extra cash I had for bills. I’d met the man of my dreams but it was bad timing. It was pretty ironic that I was back on the bus, when just over a week before I was in a limo and rubbing shoulders with the rich. I got home and went straight to bed. I didn’t want to see Jessica and so I was grateful she wasn’t home. I didn’t want to see anyone.


A few weeks passed and I got on with my life. It truly sucked and I was miserable. I was so miserable that Jessica was starting to act a lot more like Jaime. She didn’t give me anymore of her “men deserve to be taken for their money” rhetoric.

I’d spent most of the morning studying and then I was back at the restaurant. I wasn’t in the mood to work at all. In fact, I was battling a hell of a migraine. It was brought on from the stress. I didn’t want to ask Georgia for anything but I had to.

I pulled her to the side, “I don’t feel well at all. Is it possible that I can pull a half day if I can get Jaime to come in?”

“No. It’s your shift and you’re the one that should be covering it. Don’t call her at the last minute. If you go home, you’ll be written up.”

I shook my head and stormed out onto the floor. I went to take an order.

“Hello, can I get you something?” I asked a man sitting alone at a booth.

“Yeah, a new waitress.”

“I’m sorry? Is there a reason why?”

“You think that I don’t remember you? I remember you from this the weekend before. You’re a rude little thing.”

“I’m sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you have me confused with someone else.”

“Do you think I’m stupid?” He raised his voice. “Get me another waitress!”

I quickly walked to the back and worked on trying not to cry. That man obviously had me mixed up with someone else but he didn’t care. He probably thought that all black people looked the same. Tears threatened to stream down my face.

“Why are you standing back here like you don’t have work to do?” Georgia asked. “Get back out there, table 14 needs serving.”

“Okay. Table 12 wants another waitress. He seems to think I’ve served him before.”

I walked out and headed to table 14. There was another man in the far corner and he was looking down deeply at the menu. I’d just about had it with men and I hoped that he wasn’t an asshole, too.

I walked over and the man looked up and smiled. My hear skipped a beat, it was Vince! “What’s a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?”

“Er, I should be asking you that. This isn’t exactly your part of town and this place isn’t quite up to your standards.”

“I came to find you.”

“For what?”

“Well, this isn’t really the time or place to explain . Would you like to go to a real restaurant?”

I shook my head. What in the hell was he doing? Vince stood to his feet and picked me up caveman style and carried me towards the door. I was in too much shock to do much of anything and everyone else stared in shock also.

“Roxanne, If you leave here, you’re fired.” Georgia said, “You’re already written up for bringing your drama to the workplace.”

Vince put me down and focused his attention on her, “You won’t be doing that.”

“And you are who? You plan on stopping me?”

“Well, I kind of own the place that now owns this place. I purchased this restaurant two days ago, so if anyone is getting fired, it’s you. You don’t seem like the kind of person that should work with people. You have a horrible disposition.”

At that moment the asshole from the other table pointed to Georgia said, “Hey, that’s the woman that was rude. I guess I got the two of you mixed up.”

I wanted to punch him because we didn’t look anything alike. Vince took my hand and walked me out of the restaurant. Everything was a blur, a wonderful blur.

