Page 13 of Keep Me Safe

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Olivia turned to follow him. “I have to. I’m being evicted so it’s a good time as any to leave. He’s going to catch up soon so I have to stay ahead of him.”

“You’re using this as an excuse, Liv.” He reached for the heavy bag and motioned for her to enter his condo. “You can’t keep running forever. At some point you have to stop and face this.”

Olivia shook her head firmly before he even finished. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. I can’t simply face him. No one can. He’s too smart and too twisted. I got away once but if he catches me again I’ll never get away. I have to go.” She reached for the bag but Paul held it away from her. She gave him a look of frustration. “Please, Paul, don’t do this.”

“Stay with me. Move in here. I already told you I’ll protect you. It’ll be easier if you’re living under my roof.”

“I can’t,” she whispered firmly.

“Why? Are you afraid?” he demanded sharply.

“Of course I’m afraid! He’ll kill you, Paul! Don’t you understand? It doesn’t matter that you used to be a cop; he’s ruined many cops with a few strokes of his keyboard. Nothing can stop him. All I can hope is to evade him long enough so he doesn’t catch up.”

Obviously Paul wasn’t as intimidated as he should have been. He crossed his arms over his chest and eyed her grimly. She had a feeling he wouldn’t give up until he heard her say what he wanted. “Tell me who he is, Liv. For that matter, tell me who you are. It’s time for you to come clean. Tell me everything.”

Again she shook her head. She was so afraid she was trembling. She knew Paul had good intentions but the truth would only involve him more and she couldn’t stand for Ethan to hurt him. Paul was too important to her and if Ethan had a clue of their involvement, that he’d touched her, kissed her – she shuddered at the thought. “I can’t,” she whispered desperately. “Don’t you understand? He’s psychotic and obsessive. He will kill both of us.”

Paul’s expression was grim. “So you’re going to let him win. I care for you; hell I may even be falling in love with you, and you’re just going to walk away because of some idiot.”

Olivia’s eyes filled with tears at his admission. “That idiot thinks he owns me!”

“Nobody owns you, honey. Come here.” Paul’s words had gentled and he pulled her into his arms. She went willingly even though she knew it was a mistake to depend so heavily on him. He pulled her close and tucked her head beneath his chin. It felt like home. She breathed in his scent as he rubbed his hands soothingly over her back. Slowly some of the tension eased out of her.

“Give me names, Liv. I can pull a few strings with my buddies on the police force. We’ll get a restraining order and find a way to put him behind bars. But you’re going to have to open up and trust me. You have to tell me everything. It’ll be okay, I promise.”

Olivia wanted to believe him but she knew better than to trust in fairy tales. Paul had no idea what he was up against. He was used to thieves and drug dealers. Ethan was no common criminal. He was a mastermind. “I’m not going to tell you, Paul,” she answered stubbornly as she pulled away. He didn’t allow her to break contact completely as he hung onto her hand. She met his gaze and hoped she could get through to him. He had to understand. “It’s for your safety and mine. The less you know, the less you can interfere. I can’t take the chance you’ll be attacked.”

She could see he wasn’t happy with her answer. “Fine, then let’s resolve another issue. Stay with me here. I have a spare bedroom. Don’t argue because I know you can’t afford to set up a new household – you’ve told me as much. You’ll be off the grid completely and never alone. I have better security than the rentals you’ve been staying in. Come on, Liv. Give us a chance. We have something special here and I don’t want you to disappear out of my life. Say you’ll stay.”

She was all set to say no. She had to look out for herself and couldn’t be responsible for anyone else. Yet it was the vulnerable look in his eyes that got to her and she found herself agreeing. “I shouldn’t.”

“You should.”

“This isn’t a good idea.”

“It’s the best idea, and you know it. You don’t have to run anymore.”

She wasn’t sure about that. She knew she was only delaying things by staying but she wanted to stay more than anything. She had a real weakness when it came to Paul Justice. “I can’t make any promises. And if I see anything suspicious, then I’m gone. Okay? We might only have a few days.”

Paul nodded, obviously glad for the small concession he’d won. “That’s good enough for me – for now. As long as you want to be with me. I don’t want you to feel forced. I may sound like I’m bullying you, but you have to be willing. You have to choose this.”

“I want you, Paul,” she admitted softly. She’d never felt this way about anyone, and never expected it to happen so quickly! She stood on the edge of a precipice; she’d gladly jump if Paul was there to catch her. “I don’t think anything can come of this thing between us but it’s nice to close my eyes and pretend this will last forever.” She eyed him with longing and he tugged her back into his strong arms. Of course she wanted to stay! But she knew it was stupid to grow complacent and to trust Paul to keep her safe. He couldn’t.

“You never know, maybe it will last forever. We’ll take it one day at a time.” He pulled back and grinned. “Come upstairs and let me show you to your room.” He carried her duffle and pulled her along behind him.

There were three doors at the top of the stairs. “This is your room here. It’s nothing fancy.” He strode into the room and set her bag on the bed. The room was small with a full bed covered with a beige quilt. The walls were a pale green. The only other pieces of furniture were a narrow dresser and a small bedside table with a lamp. The window shade was already pulled. “You can use the dresser; it’s empty. And let me know if you need a different pillow.”

Olivia threw him a grateful smile. “It’s perfect, Paul. Thank you.”

“Come on, let me show you the bathroom. I’ll clear out half the cabinet for you and show you where the towels are.”

She peeked into the masculine bathroom that had been recently updated. Twin sinks were set in the granite countertop. Intricate tilework accented the wall between the counter and mirrors. The shower was huge with dim lighting and several showerheads. She noticed a door in the side wall. It was partially opened and led into the master bedroom. She could see that it was neatly kept and decorated in dark shades of gray and tan.

Paul noticed the direction of her gaze. “That’s my room, straight across the hall from yours if you need anything. Get me up in the middle of the night if you have to; I’m a light sleeper. Now, if you’re done up here let’s go down to my office so I can give you a key and teach you about the security system.”


Eight months. She’d been gone eight months and nine days. Ethan peered at the clock; the second hand ticked off the sound in his head, cat-mouse, cat-mouse, cat-mouse, cat-mouse. He slammed the clock down in frustration. Eight months, nine days, and twelve hours since she snuck out the back halls of the hotel during that fundraiser. He never should have brought her there. The s
