Page 63 of If You Believe

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Mad Dog.

She tensed, pushed up to her elbows.

"Naw, dont get up. " He dropped to a sit beside her.

Part of her wanted to get up and run—a really big part. But for some reason, Marian didnt move.

He stretched out beside her.

She inched away from him.

"Ask me something, Mariah," he said softly. "Anything you want. "

She stiffened. "What makes you think I have any questions about you?"

"You do. "

"What if I ask something thats too personal?"

"You cant. "

She allowed herself to glance his way. He was sprawled out beside her, arms wishboned behind his head, legs crossed at the ankles, staring up at the pale rose sky. It took her breath away, just being this close to him. She ached suddenly to push through the barriers of her past and let herself care about this man.

She realized instantly that she was being a fool, and with the realization came a sinking sense of sadness. "There are always things too personal to talk about," she said quietly.

"Not for me, Mariah. Ill tell you anything you want to know. "


He shrugged. "I dont have any secrets. "

She pushed up a little, still staring at his profile. "All right. You said you never lied.

So whats your sin?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for most everyone, lying is their big sin. Whats yours?"

He paused a minute, thinking. "I leave. "

She frowned. "Thats not a sin. "

He turned to her. There was a surprising vulnerability in his eyes. "It is the way I do it. "

Slowly Mariah leaned back again and gazed up at the sky. Silence stretched between them, but it was oddly companionable, as if they were both thinking about what hed just said.

It is the way I do it.

She shivered, though the morning was getting warm. It sounded like a warning. As though he wanted to ensure that she never expected anything different.

But that was crazy. Why would he want to warn her? Why would he care what she expected?

"Your honesty always surprises me, Mr. Stone," she said without looking at him.

"Ill never lie to you, Mariah. "

She squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to be romanced by that simple sentence.
