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He’d coaxed her trust with a cold bottle of water and a protein bar, talking with her in the alley for hours as if he had nothing better to do. Finally, her adrenaline had worn off and exhaustion had overcome her. He’d carried her inside, ignoring her protests, then given her some soup and a Coke. Next thing she knew, she’d awakened in an unfamiliar bed—alone and fully clothed. Hammer offered to take her to breakfast at the diner down the street. There, he’d cajoled her until she admitted why she’d been hiding behind his club. Not the whole story, though. God, if he really knew, he’d see her as a freak show and a charity case all rolled into one. But after the bits she’d shared, he hadn’t treated her any differently, simply given her more of his kindness.

She’d been hanging out at Shadows since, reluctant to leave.

Would today change everything?

“Raine, school starts next Tuesday. What do you plan to do about that?”

Of all the things she’d thought Hammer might say, she’d never expected that. “School?”

“You have to think about your future.”

And he didn’t mean in his bed?

“Macen, I can’t go back there. It’s too close to—” Raine couldn’t finish her sentence, couldn’t think about the monster who would find her. He would take her…and no one would stop him. “I’ll get my GED and find a job. Then I’ll repay you and get out of your way.”

“A GED is a good start, but you’re too bright not to go to college.”

Was he crazy? No, it probably sounded simple to him. He seemed to have money. But she couldn’t keep sponging off him, especially before she heard what his support would cost her. “It’s too expensive. Hardly anyone in my family has their degree.” Her sister was well on her way, Raine supposed. But she hadn’t heard from Rowan since she’d waved goodbye and headed to London for her amazing university experience almost three years ago. God knew where her older brother, River, had gone or what had become of him. “I’ll get by without one.”

Hammer glowered. “No.”

One word; that was his whole answer. Raine shouldn’t be surprised. Most of the time, he listened with open ears and offered wisdom, but he sometimes acted as if his word was law. He definitely had a bossy side.

“Yes. I need to get a job so I can start reimbursing you for the food and the roof. Then I’m sure you’ll want me to get a place of my own.”

“Do you know what kind of money you’ll earn in a job that requires no education? What sort of apartment do you think you’ll be able to afford?”

She shuddered. Everything was expensive in LA, but that wasn’t his problem. “I’ll figure it out.”

“How, by selling drugs or your body? Without a good education, you’ll have few other alternatives.” Hammer stared, tapping his fingers on the desk slowly, considering her. “I have an idea. Hear me out.”

Here came the pitch, where he told her that if she’d just take off her clothes and keep his bed warm at night, that would be payment enough. He had probably waited so long to proposition her because he’d wanted her bruising to heal. After all, who wanted to do it with someone black and blue?

She shot him a cynical glare, hating that she’d let herself hope Hammer was above taking advantage of her. But he was a man, so apparently not.

“You don’t have to say anything else. I get you.” She stood and headed toward the private bedroom attached to his office, surprised to find she was shaking. Should she take off her clothes or wait for him to do it?

“Where are you going?”

“The bedroom. You want me to pay you with my body, right?”

“No. Never.” Thunder rolled across his face as he gripped the desk with big hands. “Sit down.”

Raine didn’t understand the reason he was pissed off, but she quickly complied. In fact, she always did her best to please him. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe because she owed him? Usually, she just told people to kiss her ass.

As she slinked back to the chair, embarrassment stung. “Sorry. It sounded like you were propositioning me. You really don’t want me to repay you with my virginity?”

He clenched his jaw. “I didn’t pluck you out of the alley for sex. I took you in so you’d have a chance. You want to repay me, Raine? Go to college. Make something of your life. I’ll help you.”

Seriously? “You’re not even after a blow job? I’ve never done it, but I can get on my knees.”

Macen’s gaze dropped to her lips. She tingled. The air turned thick. Her breath caught. Was he reconsidering?

“No. I want you on your feet. Where do you want to go to college?”

Like all he had to do was snap his fingers and he could make that happen?

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