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Coming this summer

The Game That Breaks Us

(Grace’s Book)

Writing these is never easy. Finishing a book is such an emotional thing, and so much goes into it. Liam and Ari’s story was quite the departure from my norm, but I was excited to explore new territory, and I hope you guys enjoyed it just as much. This wasn’t an easy book to write, but I’m incredibly proud of it. Thank you to everyone who picks up a copy and gives it a try.

I want to give a shout out to the girls in my group MICALEA’S MINIONS. I started the group on a whim, and I honestly thought only two people would join, but now there are over three-hundred of you! I love getting to talk with you guys and your enthusiasm for my books always makes me smile. I love you all!

Regina Bartley. My author BFF. My writing soul mate. The Batman to my Superman. I can’t begin to tell you how much it means to me to know you’ve always got my back. When I’m having a meltdown over a scene I know you’ll help me see the way things need to go. I think I say it in every book, but I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.

Emily, Emily, Emily. Way back when you first messaged me did you think we’d end up best friends? You were the first person to ever reach out to me about my books, and the fact that I can call you my friend today makes me so happy. I’m blessed to have you in my life and your constant support means so much.

Regina Wamba, thank you for another beautiful cover. I think you perfectly captured the feel of Liam, Ari, and their story. I don’t know what I’d do without you to make my books sparkle on the outside. Yes, I said sparkle. Haha.

Wendi, I don’t know what I did before you. I honestly don’t. You found me when I was having a panic attack over In Your Heart and now you’re stuck with me. Sorry about that. (Not really) I’m so glad I have someone that loves my book babies as much as I do. I trust my books with you, and that’s not an easy thing for me to do. Thank you for making my books better and for making them pretty on the inside. No more swirls, though, m’kay? Haha.

Madison and Gabriel, thank you for portraying Liam and Ari on the cover and in the trailer. The photos are more amazing than I ever dreamed of and it’s all thanks to you guys for braving the frigid weather and acting like you were on a hot sunny beach. No one would ever know from looking at the pictures that it was freezing. But now they do. Whoops. I shattered the illusion.

Thank you to my wonderful beta readers: Haley, Raquel, Becca, and Stefanie. I can always count on you guys to be completely honest with me, and your passion for my characters and stories never ceases to amaze me.

Last, but certainly not least, thank you to my incredibly supportive family. Your love and understanding means more to me than you’ll ever know. Thanks for letting me live my dream.



WITH MY SUMMER FROM HELL playlist blaring in my ears, my anger slowly starts to fade away. I’ve been walking for what seems like hours but is probably closer to one. I still can’t get the argument I had with Mom out of my head.

“Before we eat, I want to have that conversation with you.”

I eye the Chinese food laid out in front of me. “Okay, whatever you say, Mom.”

Avoiding eye contact with me she says, “Ashtyn, I know I told you your dad and sister would be delayed joining us. Her gymnastics audition went really well and she made the team.”

“So what does that mean?”

“They won’t be joining us.”

I whip my head in her direction. I stare with my mouth hanging completely open and my eyes so wide they feel like they’re going to fall out of my head. They won’t be joining us? This has to be some kind of joke. A family vacation isn’t a family vacation without the whole family. I try to tell her just that but she beats me to it.

Putting her hands up, she stops me before I even start talking. “Let me get this out without you interrupting me. This isn’t easy to tell you. If there’s anything I’ve left out, I’ll answer any questions you have when I’m done. Okay?”

I roll my eyes. “Yeah, Mom, just tell me what’s going on.”

“My marriage with your father hasn’t been working for quite some time, as you probably already know. We aren’t exactly quiet when we fight. Mr. Wilson gave me an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. Your father and I agreed it made sense for me to take it. You and I have always had a very close relationship, just like your sister and father have. Although it wasn’t the best way of going about it, I need you here with me. You’re my rock, Ashtyn.”

I can’t even understand what she’s saying right now. She got a promotion at work so she figured the best thing to do would be abandon her family and drag me along for the ride? Who does that?

“Mr. Wilson was kind enough to let us live in his vacation home, rent-free, while I oversee the opening of our new studio up here. He’s made many connections in the area and an expansion here just seemed like the right idea. After I get the recording studio up and running, I will be managing it. This job came with a very nice bonus and raise. We can live here indefinitely, if we want to. Even after the short amount of time we’ve been in this house, you have to agree it would be a great place to live. With all the money I’ll be saving on rent, I can buy you the car you’ve been bugging me about. So that’s everything. You can talk now.”

I’m fuming. My jaw is clenched, my hands are balled into tight fists, and any composure I had before slips away. She’d tricked me, and now she was trying to bribe me as well? This is an all-time low, especially for her.

It was one thing when this was just a family vacation. Now I’m being forced into spending my senior year, my last year of high school, here?

There’s no way she’s doing this to me. Who does this to their own child?

“Are you kidding me? You’re running away from our family and dragging me along with you? Then, the cherry topping off this fucked up sundae is that you are bribing me with a car so I’ll stay with you and not get mad. Does that about sum it up?”
