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“You’re doing extremely well, Olivia,” Dr. Richards smiled kindly at me. “We’re going to re-tape your ribs and you’ll be free to go. I want you to follow up with your regular doctor next week, to check on your ribs. Melissa,” who was my nurse, “will get your prescriptions ready, then you can get out of here.”

“Great,” I grinned. I couldn’t wait to get out of this bed and back home. I’d had enough of hospitals to last me a lifetime.

The whole process of signing release forms, and getting everything together, took at least an hour. I had to change, with Trace’s help, into my own clothes, and then be wheeled down to the lobby. The nurse waited with me while Trace brought his car around.

With the nurse and Trace’s help, I hobbled into the car. The rest of my body was healing well, but my chest still felt like an elephant had sat on me.

“Don’t be mad,” Trace winced as we pulled away from the hospital.

“Nothing good, ever comes after those words,” I grumbled, slipping my sunglasses on. “Just tell me what it is and don’t sugar coat it.”

“Avery and Luca are meeting us at the apartment. I’ve managed to keep her away the last few days, but she wants to see you. She’s your best friend, Olivia. She’s been really worried about you and she hasn’t seen you since you woke up.”

“Ugh,” I groaned. “I don’t want her to see me like this,” I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to make it look semi presentable. “Besides, I’m tired and cranky. I want to go to bed.”

“I know,” he took my hand tenderly in his. “But she needs to see you, to know you’re okay.”

“I’ve talked to her on the phone!” I cried.

“Yes, you have. But that’s not the same as seeing a person in the flesh,” he reasoned.

I sighed. “I want to see her but-”

“I get it, Olivia. I do,” he interrupted. “You’ve been through a lot and you’re not up to seeing people. I tried to talk her out of coming over but…you know Avery.”

“I do and that girl is not easily deterred,” I shook my head.

When we pulled into the garage’s parking lot, Avery and Luca were there in her red beetle, and there was another car, a black Dodge Challenger, which I assumed was Trent’s.

Avery slipped out of her car, as Trace parked and I took a deep breath, silently pep talking myself.

“Stay put,” Trace warned. “I’ll tell them to head on up and then I’ll help you out.”

I nodded in agreement, because I knew there was no way I’d be able to make it up those steps by myself.

I watched Trace greet Avery and Luca, and point at the door to his apartment. Avery shook her head adamantly and pointed at me. Trace waved his hands forcefully and I saw his jaw working as he spoke rapidly. Finally, Luca took Avery by the hand and towed her up to the apartment. They knocked on the door, and I watched Trent open it, Ace ran through his feet and sniffed at Luca and Avery.

Trace opened the car door and unbuckled my seatbelt. He lightly wrapped his arm around my body and helped me from the car. He kept a steady hand on my waist as I shuffled towards the steps. I bit my lip at all the stairs I was going to have to climb and dreading the pain I knew they were going to cause me. I hated being so helpless.

Noticing my look of distress, Trace smiled. “Just try, Olivia. If you get tired after one or two, I’ll carry you.”

I took a deep breath and fought back tears. “I can do this,” I whispered, for my benefit, not his.

“I know you can,” he helped me slowly make my way up. By the time we reached the door I was exhausted and leaning my body heavily against his. My body had taken quite a beating, and I still wasn’t completely healed everywhere, meaning the simplest tasks exhausted me.

“I want to go to bed,” I begged as he opened the door and Avery rushed towards me.

“Back off,” Trace warned her with a steely gaze in his eyes. I had never heard him use that tone of voice with anyone before.

Avery immediately took a step back, and kept her mouth shut, which surprised me. Avery wasn’t the kind of person who was too keen on being bossed around.

“She’s tired, and I told you she wouldn’t be up for company, but you insisted on being here. I know you’re her best friend and you’re worried. But please, let me get her in pajamas, and in bed. Then, if she’s feeling up to it, you can see her,” Trace explained.

Avery muttered, “Okay.” Looking over me, she added, “I’ve been so worried about you, Olivia.”

“I know,” I whispered since I didn’t have the energy to speak any louder.

Trace helped me into the bedroom and closed the door. I shuffled over to the dresser and pu
