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I brought my hand away from my face in a lightning fast motion and punched him in the face. The impact hurt my hand but the adrenaline quenched the pain.

He stumbled back from the impact and fell flat on his bottom. I pounced on top of him giggling.

His body was warm beneath me. “Gotcha,” I said still giggling.

He didn’t say anything. His bright blue eyes darkened to a husky midnight color. I pressed closer to him breathing in his scent of pine needles, grass, and boyish sweat all rolled into one delicious scent that was all Isaac. My punch had split his lip and a dribble of blood oozed out. The split lip was the only damage my punch had caused besides surprise. Our eyes seemed to be locked in an endless embrace. His arms came around my waist and pulled me closer with a question in his eyes which I in turn answered.

Our lips met in fiery warmth that vibrated through my entire being making me shiver with the magic of it. My toes went numb with the passion of the kiss. His blood tasted slick and warm on my lips. The iron taste of it only making the kiss better. I never wanted it to stop. At this point we were both breathing heavy but neither ready to stop. One of Isaac’s hands still cupped my waist while the other tangled itself into my hair. My hands explored the contours of his face and the planes of his finely sculpted, warm as fire, chest. His heart beat steadily against my palm. Passion was rolling off of us in waves like a force field that repelled even the sounds of the forest around us. My lips were going numb but I was in no way ready to stop. Jonathon’s kiss was cold as ice and made me go numb all over with the sparks that it ignited like fireworks in my veins. This kiss was something else entirely different. This kiss was hot. Passionate. Spine-tingling. And entirely forbidden.

“I love you,” Isaac said into our intertwined lips. His hands skimmed the skin of my stomach, running underneath the thin white tank top that I wore.

“Shut up and just kiss me,” I said and he did just that.

My body was tingling all over and I was sure that I would never feel the same after this.

The other times Isaac and I had kissed he had been the one instigating it. This time it was my choice. It was my choice to take a bite of the forbidden fruit. It was my choice to live on the dark side. It. Was. My. Choice.

It was my choice to break my soul mate’s heart.

“Kylie?” sounded the strangled voice of Jonathon.

My heart stopped. I looked into his eyes and saw his soul break and felt mine do the same.

I had committed the greatest sin of all. One they forgot to put in the Bible.

I had fallen in love with someone that wasn’t my soul mate.

And in the process broke my soul and Jonathon’s soul and doomed us all.

Chapter Fourteen: Broken

“How could you?” he asked. His silver eyes looked at me with a look of complete hopelessness.

“Oh God,” I said getting off of Isaac.

Jonathon looked at me as if he had never seen me before and wished he hadn’t.

“Jonathon-,” I began stepping towards him.

“No,” he said putting his hands up and backing away from me, “No, don’t come near me.”

“Please, please let me explain Jonathon.”

“Explain! Explain! I bloody well saw it with my own two eyes. I don’t need it explained to me! How could you? I can’t even look at you! I never want to see you again! Get away from me! I said get away!” He yelled as I drew nearer and nearer.

“Jonathon, please listen to me,” I said sinking to my knees.

“Are you sure you don’t want to shove your tongue down his throat some more? God, how could I have been so stupid! Here all this time I thought it was him,” he said thrusting a finger at Isaac, “that I should be worried about coming onto you. But oh no, it was you. It’s you! It’s always been you leading him on. Oh, God. You’re my soul mate, damn you! How could you do this! I thought you were the best person in the world and now it turns out that you’re just a selfish bitch. If only God would bless me with never having to look at your traitorous face again! Oh, if I could be so lucky!” He screamed venomously at me. He then lapsed into a length speech in Italian.

“Jonathon, let’s talk about this,” I said in calming tones, worried that he may turn violent.

“Talk? Talk? To you? I never want to even see you again let alone talk to you! I feel so stupid! How could I have not seen it before! I know how! I trusted you! And the sad part is that as much as I may hate you right now I can’t stop loving you! Ever! I am doomed to love you the rest of my existence! But you! You are free to go along and love whomever you want! But me? Oh no, I’m stuck loving you no matter what! And what’s even sadder is that I can’t even stay mad at you! My entire existence is wired to yours! Without you I am nothing! Nothing, Kylie, nothing! I am empty! I am a pathetic shell of nothing! Nothing important! Nothing worth living for! But no matter what you do I have to go on loving you! Even at this very moment I would jump in front of a bullet for you! You can denounce me all you want. You can make me feel like the lowest scum on the bottom of your shoe and I’ll still love you! God, I love you and I can’t help it!” He said and pulled at his face like he wanted to rip it off.

By now tears were falling steadily from my eyes.

“I am so sorry, Jonathon. I really am. But I can’t help it. I love you so much that it makes my heart hurt. But I love Isaac too,” I sobbed, my tears soaking into the dirt.
