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Breaking loose, Chase gazes down at me, his eyes searching mine. “What is it, what are you thinking?” I ask.

Shaking his head, he grabs my hand and we work our way back the way we came. When we get back to my room, I swipe my key card and open my door with Chase following behind. As I close the door, a feeling that’s been brewing all day overwhelms me. Seeing Chase standing in front of me and knowing everything he’s done for me, not just today, but each and every day, makes me tingle all over. I’m overcome with multiple emotions—love, admiration, lust. I watch him cross the room like a predator stalking it’s prey.

“Liv?” he asks, cocking his head slightly to the side, not quite sure what to make of me.

“You are amazing,” I murmur inching toward him, my voice low and sultry. “I had the most amazing day.”

“That was the plan,” he says, his voice smooth as silk.

Not being able to control myself any longer, I lunge at him, my hands fisting in his hair as I pull his mouth toward me. I force his lips apart with my tongue and a low groan escapes from his throat as he kisses me back.

Placing his hands on either side of my face, he breaks away. He takes a deep breath and looks down his nose at me. “No sex,” he murmurs with a sly smile.

“What?” I say in between breaths.

“That’s what you said this morning. No sex.”

“Wait . . . but . . . I . . .” He shakes his head slowly, a Cheshire grin spreading across his lips. “Crap, you took that seriously?”

“I’m going back to my room tonight. You might want to think before you speak next time,” he laughs. “I’ll be here at ten to take us to the airport.” With that, he walks out the door.

Right on schedule, Chase shows up to take us to the airport. The car drives around to the back of the airport where Chase’s plane is waiting. This is my first time on a private plane and I’m a little nervous, not knowing what to expect. The puddle jumper to get here doesn’t count; that plane was a death trap. This is so much nicer.

As we walk hand in hand from the car to the plane, Chase gives me a rundown of what we are about to fly in. “So, this is the Gulfstream G550,” he starts, matter-of-fact. “We own three identical planes.”

“It’s bigger than I expected,” I mutter in awe.

“She has a large, comfortable cabin and she’s able to fly non-stop for more than twelve hours, or over sixty-seven hundred nautical miles.”

“You had me at comfortable,” I say, giggling.

We take the steps leading up to the cabin. The captain is at the top, waiting to greet us. “Good morning, Mr. Remington.”

“Donald, this is Olivia. Olivia, this is Captain Donald Fahey,” Chase says, smiling.

“Hello,” I murmur back. We shake hands and he ushers us onto the plane.

When Chase said the plane was spacious, he wasn’t kidding. It’s huge. As I step in, the cockpit is to my left and the capacious cabin to the right. There are these ridiculously comfortable looking cream leather chairs and a large tan microfiber couch. Giddy, I jump into one of the chairs. Not only do they look comfortable, I would have no problem napping in style on one of these suckers. Chase laughs, shaking his head at me.

“What?” I ask innocently, continuing to bounce up and down.

“Christ, you’re adorable.”

Finally sitting still, Chase buckles me in before taking the seat next to me. “Good morning. We will be taking off shortly. I have turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign, so please make sure to do so,” the captain says over the PA.

A flight attendant comes out from the front area to check that our seatbelts are fastened correctly and then makes her way forward.

As the plane starts to move, I grab Chase’s right hand. My other hand clutches the arm of the chair, my knuckles turning white. I hate take-offs and landings. “Hey, I’m right here,” he coos. As the plane ascends, my anxiety lessens and I loosen my grip on Chase. Taking a deep breath, I try to relax.

“See, everything is fine,” he murmurs. “Are you okay?” he asks, leaning over to gaze at me.

I nod my head and give him a tight-lipped smile.

Just as I’m starting to relax, another panic washes over me. I’m going home. I haven’t told my mom what happened yet. That is one conversation I don’t want to have, even though I know I have to.

“What?” Chase asks, noticing the tension around my eyes.

“I still haven’t talked to my mom,” I mumble.
