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Work came too soon this morning and I realized just how out of routine I’ve been since getting back together with Chase. Between the traveling and staying at his apartment more frequently, I don’t feel like I’ve been to a grocery store in months. So, after work, I stop at the local Whole Foods to pick up some necessities.

I pay the cashier for my purchases, load my car up, and head home. By the time I get to my apartment, it’s a little after six. I juggle my bags in my arms to retrieve my key and swipe it on the elevator pad before putting in my floor number. Pushing my door open, an unfamiliar scent greets me. I crinkle my nose and head toward the kitchen, trying to place the smell. After setting my bags on the counter, I glance around my apartment, getting the distinct feeling someone was here, but that’s impossible. Maintenance calls before doing any work, no one can get in the building without living here, and no one besides Chase has the elevator key.

As I walk further into the apartment, the scent becomes stronger. It’s right on the tip of my tongue, and then it hits me: Evan’s cologne. It smells just like the cologne I used to buy him for Christmas every year.

I start to walk around, not understanding why my apartment smells like Evan. There’s nothing missing that I can see, but I notice things are not where they belong. Subtle things. Pictures slightly moved, pillows on the couch askew. My heart rate increases as a chill runs down my back. Something’s not right and I’m not comfortable being here alone. Before I jump to conclusions, I call Chase to make sure he wasn’t in the apartment today. He answers on the second ring.

“Hey, beautiful. How’s my girl?”

“Have you been over here at all today?” I ask, tense.

“No, why? What’s wrong?” he asks, sensing my panic.

“Maybe it’s nothing, but I feel like someone was here.”

“What makes you say that?”

“There are things out of place. Little things, and there is a lingering scent of cologne.”

“I’ll be right over,” Chase says before hanging up. I wander around the apartment, my body on high alert as I make sure nothing is missing.

A few minutes later, the door to my apartment slams, startling me. I jump, nearly bursting out of my skin, and turn back down the hallway before entering my bedroom. Walking back into the living room, I find Chase standing in the entrance, sniffing the air.

“What is that?” he asks, scrunching his face.

“It’s the cologne I used to buy Evan,” I whisper.

“Wait, what?”

“He couldn’t get in here, could he?” I whisper, starting to shake uncontrollably.

“No, don’t be ridiculous,” Chase says, trying to calm me. Walking toward me, he pulls me in his arms. “No one can get in here. He would have never made it past the doorman.”

“You’re right. Paul wouldn’t have let him up here. And even if he did, he doesn’t have the key, but who else could’ve been here?”

Stroking my back, he murmurs, “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” Placing his finger under my chin, he lifts my head so I’m looking at him. “Why don’t you stay at my place tonight?”

He’s trying to stay calm, but I can see the stress lines around his eyes. I nod my head in agreement, even though I’m sure it wasn’t a suggestion.

“Let me throw a few things in a bag,” I say as I walk into my bedroom. Stopping dead in my tracks, my hand moves to cover my mouth as I shriek out. My underwear drawer is wide open and my panties and bras are strewn all over the bedroom.

“Liv, what hap—?” Chase comes running into the room, his question cut off when he looks around. “What the fuck?” he roars. Chase composes himself and pushes me out of the room. “C’mon. Let’s get you out of here. I’ll come back to pick up a few things later,” he says, his voice eerily calm.

“No, it’s okay. Let me pack up a few personal things, in case whoever it is decides to come back.”

“No one will be coming back.”

“I need to report this, I need to call down to the front desk,” I mutter, my mind reeling.

“Fine,” he concedes, “we’ll do it on the way out. I don’t want you here any longer than you have to be.” I pack some sentimental items, things my father gave me, along with some clothes, and exit the apartment.

Once downstairs, and after speaking with the management, Chase ushers me out of the building. I don’t remember the walk or getting up to his apartment. All I can think about is someone violated my personal space. What else is missing—what other personal, intimate things? Sitting me down on the couch, he kneels next to me so we are eye level. “Baby, stay here for a minute. I need to make a phone call.”

“Okay,” I mutter.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he hits a few buttons.

“Derek, Chase. I have a job for you,” he commands. “I need you to do a security check on all the employees of The Exchange.”Taking a deep breath, he runs his fingers through his hair. “I don’t care,” he shouts into the phone. He listens for a minute. “Whatever it takes, get it done,” he snaps and hangs up.
