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“As much as you liked Gregory’s company?” Mariska had finally brought up his name after avoiding it for months since we’d found out he had gotten engaged to a girl he met at college in Maine.

“No. It’s different. I have love for Gregory. I always will. Chase and I have flirted a little.”

I laughed at the clapping I heard in the background. “Beth, I thought you’d have this dry spell forever, ’cause I know there are some hot guys in Miami.”

“There are,” I breathed. “But the guys I’ve seen have nothing on Chase. And I feel all tingly when he’s close by and when we touch. I think I really get it now.”

“Dang, girl, you two have been feeling up each other already?”

I laughed because the word “dang” shouldn’t come out of her mouth again. “No, Mariska. We’re taking it slow.”

She huffed. “As long as the finish to whatever it is, is long lasting, it doesn’t matter how slow the start is.”

“Says the virgin.”

“Hey! That doesn’t make me ignorant about what good sex is.”

I made a knowing noise. “Experience doesn’t always make someone skilled or better in bed,” I concurred.

“As long as you recognize that fact. When do you start work?”


“Let me know how your first day goes. And how you and Chase get on too.” I heard a hint of amusement in her voice.


After I finished speaking with Mariska, I found a thrift shop a few blocks down the street. The scent of cigarettes, perfume, and detergent lingered in the air, the same combined smell that I recognized in every other thrift store I’d ever been to. It wasn’t bad or good. It just reminded me that the items and clothes in this store had lives attached to them once, even if for the briefest moment.

Sorting through some tops that would fit me perfectly, another girl with sandy brown hair like mine, only longer and fuller, caught my eye. She had to be Brianna. I came into contact with her last night when her shift had ended. She lowered her gaze when she noticed me and I went up to her.

“Hi, Brianna! Whatcha got there?”

With a sheepish twist of her mouth, she held up a whimsical lavender dress that looked brand new. The department store tag was still on it.

“That would look fantastic on you.” I shifted my eyes from her uncertain expression to the dress. “All you have to do is have it taken in a little.”

A bit of a smile started on her thin lips. “And to dry clean it, of course,” she quipped.

“That too.” I nudged her shoulder. “I am gonna get these. Good seeing you again.”

A smile still lingered on her lips. “Where’re you going after this?”

“I am gonna drop these off”—I shook my hangers—“and then head to the beach. I saw some sweet pictures online.”

“It’s really pretty. That’s where I am gonna go after I get my iced coffee.”

“And now we have a date.”


Brianna and I got out of her station wagon and we ran into Rylan and Joel. We walked from the parking area to the long trail surrounded by tall luscious green trees that led to the beach. I inhaled the cool, salty air. Today was not as humid as yesterday.

I wrapped my shawl around my shoulders and Joel walked in step with me. “Need some warming up?” He moved his hands against each other, up and down, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at him. He looked so cute with his wavy copper hair curling up a little bit at the nape of his neck.

Brianna snickered at Joel when Rylan handed him two folding chairs, keeping his hands busy. Brianna was about to take a chair from Rylan and I was going to take one from Joel, but Rylan gestured to us that he and Joel would carry the chairs. Before Brianna had driven us here, we’d gone to Uncle Anton’s and Aunt Deborah’s, where she and Nancy had already had towels, sun block, and loose sundresses in case we needed them in a pretty tote. Brianna had been clearly surprised by Mrs. Pruitt and Nancy’s kindness towards her.

“Thanks, Rylan,” I said as he walked beside Brianna. He notched his chin at me. “How come you guys are dateless today?”
