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He rubbed his cheekbone. “For about three minutes.” He sounded impressed.

“That’s my girl,” I said with a smile.

Hunter cleared his throat. “Beth is.” He swigged his coffee. “I am happy you’ve got yourself someone special.”

“Thanks. I am too. And I am really happy that you’re clean and doing what you’ve wanted to do for the longest.” I looked at his tattoo-free arms and the piercings he didn’t have. “Where’s your ink?”


I felt like an asshole when I exited this cutesy flower shop in downtown Paloma’s Edge with white and red roses the next morning, but I remembered that other than wearing black, Beth wore white and red a lot. The colors looked great on her. I wanted her to forgive me for how I’d talked to her. I’d spoken with Hunter because I knew that was what Beth wanted me to do, but in the middle of our conversation, I was talking to my brother for me. To fill a void I hadn’t known I had until the shop was going to close. We’d tried most of the locally and international coffee beans they had at the shop. One pastime that we’d learned that we both loved. And I couldn’t fucking help it. I’d had a good time with him.

“Chase!” Brody greeted me with an infectious smile. When it had been hectic and we’d encountered some of the rudest guests here, he kept his chipper tone and upbeat attitude. He looked at the flowers that I placed on top of the counter.

“Hey, Brody. How’ve you been?”

“I am great.” He quirked the side of his face. “Are these for Beth?”

I gesticulated my hands towards the roses. “Yes.”

Brody took the vase of flowers from me. “I’ll give them to her myself.”

“What a wonderful arrangement,” a female voice behind me said.

When I pivoted around, Brody said, “Good morning, Cindy.”

“Hello, Brody.” Her laser-sharp blue gaze pierced through me. She was Beth’s mom. Pierce had informed me of Cindy staying at the Paloma. She didn’t look a day over thirty and Beth had taken after her mom’s curvy figure. They did share the same pair of eyes and brown hair. Unlike Beth, Cindy was very aware of her beauty and appeal. I loved that Beth knew she looked good, but she didn’t know that she how good she looked. Maybe she’d act differently if she knew.

“Ms. Pruitt. I am Chase.”

Whistling, she inched towards me. “Beth doesn’t like flowers.”

“Are those for me?” Pierce said as he walked out of an elevator. “Man, I like lilies and daffodils.”

“Too bad,” I said.

He regarded Cindy. Brody had put the white and red roses in a porcelain vase. “She’ll like it ’cause they’re from you, even though flowers die.” Pierce eyed his aunt pointedly. “Beauty fades in many forms. ” He strode towards his dad’s office.

“Beth’s finally taken my advice and gotten herself a real man.”

I walked past her a little and I cocked a brow at her comment. I raised my chin to Brody and strolled out of the Paloma.



Hunter: We didn’t argue or brawl.

Me: ? Are you guys gonna see each other again?

Hunter: Slim Chance. But we had a civilized convo. That’s somethin’. I’ll be seeing you in the fall. Got into UM.

Me: Congrats! What class are you?

Hunter: Gonna be a sophomore like you.

Me: And you and Chase may cross paths.

Setting my cell phone on the table, I leaned forward on my desk table to finally smell the roses Chase had gotten for me earlier today while I was at work. Most of the ladies, even Mrs. Clark, had come by my cubicle to see it, and they’d all known that they’d come from him.
