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“I don’t like you wearing underwear when she’s in your house.” Mariska’s voice broke the silence after some minutes had passed. “Check to see that she’s not in your house anymore when you’re in that state, or naked.” I found the commanding tone in her voice cute, and it conveyed to me that she didn’t want anyone else to have me.

“Annette won’t see me like that while we’re…seeing each other,” I assured her. “I couldn’t stay at La Caridad today. Vince and Hector had to go to the continuing training courses that Manny requires us to take every couple of months. We had to wolf down our lunches before they headed out.”

Mariska motioned with her head and curved her body to face mine. Her skirt raised up higher to reveal her toned thighs, and Riley automatically adjusted her head on the side of Mariska’s thigh. Nothing was more special than watching her tend to my baby. Riley was my motivation when I didn’t want to get out of the bed in the morning. I thought Mariska might have liked Riley more than she did me. That was fine in my book. I couldn’t erase the memories from Riley’s brain that not everyone knew how invaluable she was. She made me human. And God had set out for me to find her and arrange my life to suit us.

“I don’t know about life like you, or Chase, or even Beth does,” Mariska started. “But it doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I am doing, Hunter. I’ll follow your lead. For now. I disagree with you about the restrictions. But I am not going to try to persuade you to fuck me—”

My mouth descended on hers, cutting her off. I grasped chunks of her hair between my fingers and felt Riley’s respirations against my stomach as my chest smashed against Mariska’s. After I thoroughly used her mouth until it was swollen, we left Riley on the couch and I carried Mariska into my room. Having her in arms as she gave into her exhaustion, in her most vulnerable state, never got old. My bed didn’t seem like it had an endless amount of space tonight. And when the sun rose in the morning, Riley had snuggled in between Mariska and I, her body splayed on Mariska’s front.

We ran late Thursday morning and I went without a shower, for the first time since the nights I’d spent scoring coke. I’d only had time to make us some instant coffee, and I dragged my grungy ass to work after Mariska drove back to her dorm to get ready for her classes.


WE’D ONLY GOTTEN OUR homework done Thursday evening, because every chair in the library had been occupied. Jennifer and Raquel had left early, because they’d completed every task they needed to so that they could get the most out of their Thanksgiving vacation. I’d behaved myself, because I knew that Mariska had a grueling twelve-hour shift the Monday before Thanksgiving break. She hadn’t told me what her schedule would look like when I’d asked her before we’d entered the library.

Mariska had coaxed me into sitting on the bench outside of her residence hall. The fall breeze was the perfect excuse for me to pull her down on my lap as we sat down. I wreathed my arms around the small of her waist. I recalled the desire that I’d seen in her eyes last night when I’d sucked her bottom lip and pressed my mouth to hers before ending our kiss. Since no one else was around, I snaked my hands from her waist and underneath her skirt. Her thighs tightened from the contact and my cock hardened against her pussy. I’d moved my lower body from hers several times last night I’d felt her supple ass against my dick, stirring it to an agonizing level. She’d kept reaching for me in her sleep until Riley had settled in the middle of the bed.

“I’ve been waiting for you to do that all night,” Mariska said in a dreamy voice and angled the crown of her head on my shoulder. Slow waves of her breaths rushed against my moist skin.

“All you had to do was ask,” I said.

“Liar.” She glided down from my lap and onto the end of the bench. Scowling, she crossed her arms and narrowed those enthralling dark brown eyes of hers.

“I wouldn’t have waited until now to do this.” I reached over to her, skimming my fingers on the little hairs on her arms. Her eyebrows snapped together, and I didn’t think she was aware that she tucked her bottom lip underneath her upper one. For the first time, I noticed that the hairs on her arm were almost pale blond.

“Are you naturally a blonde?” I asked her.

“My arms and most of my eyebrows are blonde, like my Dad’s, but I’ve always had brown hair on my head.” She shrugged. “Dad used to joke that I had to get something from him. I just dye my eyebrows.”

“Goes to show that I haven’t given you the exhaustive inspection you’re due.”

A corner of her mouth kicked up into a smile. “It was easy to miss, since I am not blonde every where, especially on the part of my body that’s your favorite.”

I shook my head. “Ah, you just think I am only a pussy man?” The rhetorical question made her giggle. “Last I checked, you have an ass soft and full enough for me to rest my head on and arms that are graceful in every little dress I’ve seen you in.”

I raised Mariska’s arm and dragged my mouth over it. She would be a terrible blonde, so it was a good thing that she dyed her eyebrows. I twirled my tongue on the middle of her inner arm and her grin changed into a panicked expression. She removed her arm from me. Looking around so I could find what had changed her mood, my eyes snagged on her parents. Their stark countenance became more visible as approached us. Frozen in place, her lips began to tremble. Her face burned with embarrassment. Was it because her parents caught her having an intimate moment with me?

Chapter 21


THE TERROR THAT RACED through my body was inexplicable. When Hunter sank his mouth on my wrist and began trailing kisses along my arm, I was a goner. But now, my legs were numb and my voice croaked as I tried to get words out. I couldn’t bear how my parents were looking at me. They waited for me by my residence hall building, holding bags of groceries.

When I saw Hunter head toward them, I sort of woke up, jogged over to him, and tried to pull his arm. Stopping, Hunter stood there for a moment and was eerily calm. He was aware that I didn’t want him to meet my parents and I knew this was all wrong. Why shouldn’t I introduce him to them? He was just as worthy of their respect as Tom was, but they wouldn’t se

e it that way. Obviously, they’d known that there was something between Hunter and I when Scott had escorted them up to my room weeks ago.

Raising my hand, he gave me a chaste kiss on the front of my hand and when I heard my parent’s ringtone in what could have been seconds or minutes after what felt like a goodbye kiss, Hunter was no where in sight.


THE ELEVATOR RIDE UP to my room with my parents was torturous. Other students who I knew had thrown me sympathetic smiles, and some had felt so uncomfortable with the tension that radiated off of us that they’d fled from the elevator as soon the elevator had stopped on their floor.

When Mom was done putting groceries in our fridge for me, she asked, “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” Mom’s voice reminded me of when Mrs. Muldoon’s chalk use to streak as she’d written on the chalkboard in her pre-school. I’d prefer that noise than the question she’d posed and my Dad’s stare down.

I wanted to say, “what part of what you saw didn’t you understand?”, but I bit down on my tongue and mustered up the energy to give her an answer, as respectfully as responsible. “He’s my boyfriend.” Hunter and I hadn’t labeled what we were, but we’d established parameters for our relationship, such as monogamy. I felt like that was a start to a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship—for us.

The disappointment in my Dad’s beautiful ocean blue eyes pained me. He’d always been proud of me, even when I’d made mistakes because I’d owned up to them. “Were you seeing that addict when you dated Scott? Is Hunter the real reason why you’ve stopped dating Scott?” His tone was harsh. “Have you been using drugs?”

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