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The sun has barely risen when I peel my eyes open. I wince as I stretch, my entire body sore from mine and Kingston’s sexcapades last night, including my ass. Especially my ass. While it wasn’t painful during the act, my body is definitely protesting right now. Hopefully, just like the first time I lost my virginity, that will ease with time, because I really don’t want it to be a one-time thing. Who knew butt stuff could be so fun?

Kingston’s breathing is deep and even, telling me he’s still fast asleep. I smile when I think of the perfect way to wake him. I carefully untangle myself from his arms, sliding down to the middle of the bed. I trace the long vein running along the underside of Kingston’s cock with my tongue. We showered right before we passed out for the evening, so his salty skin still faintly smells like the body wash I love so much.

Kingston groans as I take him into my mouth. “Well, good morning to you, too.”

I hum around his girth, making him curse.

Kingston gathers my hair to the side and watches through hooded eyes as my head bobs up and down. I suck him off just how he likes it: with a lot of tongue, a little teeth, and plenty of suction until he’s wrapping my hair around his fist, pulling tightly as he shoots his load into my mouth. When I’m sure I have every last drop, I release him with a pop and swallow. I sit back on my knees with a smile, wiping a stray drop from the corner of my mouth.

“I’d like to request that exact same wakeup call every morning once we’re living together.”

“What?!” I sputter. “Did I miss the part where you asked me to move in with you?”

Kingston’s mouth kicks up in the corner. “Am I supposed to pretend that’s necessary?”

“And when exactly is this moving in together stuff supposed to happen?”

“Ideally, the day after we bring our fathers down.”

My jaw drops. “Are you conveniently forgetting about the minor fact that we’re still in high school?”

He laughs. “Are you conveniently forgetting that we’re both legal adults, and I have more than enough money to pay for it?”

“Not the point, Kingston.” I give him a wry look.

“Maybe not,” he concedes. “But we’ll need somewhere to go after the feds seize their assets. Charles and my father have been fairly clever hiding their money, but both mansions are in their names individually, so that’ll be one of the first things the feds grab.”

I stare at him for a moment, dumbfounded. I don’t know why the thought of this happening never crossed my mind. “So, we’ll be instantly homeless?”

“I’m sure they’d give us some time to get out, but I’m trying to prepare before it becomes a problem.” Kingston shifts our bodies so he’s now hovering over me. “I have a realtor keeping an eye out for new listings. Think about it. We can get a place by the beach if you want. Belle can have her own room and decorate it how she sees fit. Ainsley, too, if she doesn’t wind up shacking up with Reed or going away to school. We’re together practically all the time anyway. What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is that moving in together is quite the commitment.”

“And?” Kingston’s eyebrows rise. “Are you trying to tell me you’re not sticking around?”

“We’re eighteen, Kingston.”

He leans down and sucks on the skin where my neck meets my shoulder. “You and I both know we’ve been forced to grow up early. Age is just a number.”

I gasp when his lips seal around my nipple. “I don’t know... it’s a lot to think about.”

Kingston’s tongue dips inside my belly button before peppering kisses down to the apex of my thighs. “What I heard is I need to work a lot harder to convince you.”

I squeal as he gives me one long lick from bottom to top. “Oh, yeah? How do you plan on doing that?”

“I’d say this is a pretty damn good start, wouldn’t you?” He circles my clit with his tongue before sucking on my heated flesh.

My back bows. “It’s a great start.”



“So... what did Reed think about his Christmas present?”

Ainsley’s cheeks turn bright red. “He was a big fan. Big, big, fan.”
