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By the end of the second week, both Clarence and Alice had agreed that Papa was a fortunate man to have found such a gem, and although Camilla didn’t agree with her siblings, she no longer left the room whenever Virginia entered it.

On the day of the family’s departure, Virginia organized packed lunches and lemonade for the children to take on the plane, and before they all climbed into the waiting car, everyone kissed her goodbye, except Camilla, who shook hands with her. As the chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce headed down the long drive on its way to Heathrow, Virginia didn’t stop waving until the car was out of sight.

“What an absolute triumph for you,” said the duke as they walked back into the castle. “You were magnificent, old gal. I think toward the end even Camilla was beginning to come around.”

“Thank you, Perry,” said Virginia, linking her arm through his. “But I can understand Camilla’s feelings. After all, I would feel the same way if someone tried to take the place of my mother.”

“You have such a generous heart, Virginia. But I fear there’s a subject Camilla raised with me that I can’t put off discussing with you any longer.”

Virginia froze. How had Camilla found out about the loan, when she’d arranged for Moxton to leave for his Christmas holiday the day before the family arrived, and not to return until the day after they’d departed?

“I’m sorry to have to raise such a painful subject,” said the duke, “but I’m not getting any younger, and I have to consider the future, and yours in particular, old gal.”


ginia made no attempt to speak because this was something she had already thought about. Also, Desmond Mellor had taught her that whenever you hope to strike a bargain, be sure the other side makes the opening bid.

“The old finishing line and all that,” added the duke. “So I’ve decided to draw up a codicil to be added to my will, so you’ll have nothing to worry about after I’ve gone.”

“My only worry,” said Virginia, “is that after you’ve gone, I’ll be all alone. I know it’s selfish of me, Perry, but if I could have my way, I would die before you. I just can’t bear the thought of having to live without you.” She even managed to manufacture a tear.

“How did I get so lucky?” said the duke.

“It was me who got lucky,” purred Virginia.

“Before I call my solicitor and get the ball rolling, old gal, I want you to give some thought to what I might leave you. Of course you’ll have the Dower House on the estate, and an allowance of five thousand a month, but if there’s anything else in particular you’d like, just let me know.”

“That’s so thoughtful of you, Perry. I can’t think of anything at the moment. Perhaps just a little memento to remind me of you.”

The truth was that Virginia had already given the matter a great deal of thought, as it was all part of her retirement plan. She didn’t need reminding that she’d already missed out on two wills and she didn’t intend to do so a third time.

However, she needed to carry out some more research before briefing Perry on which little memento she had in mind. She knew exactly the right person to advise her on the subject, but she couldn’t invite him to the castle while the duke was in residence. No matter, that problem would be solved in a couple of weeks’ time when Perry went up to London for his annual regimental reunion, an event he never missed because, as the regiment’s honorary colonel, he would be expected to chair the dinner.


VIRGINIA JOINED PERRY for the short journey to the local station.

“I wish I was going with you,” she said as they walked out onto the platform together.

“Not much point, old gal, I’m only staying in town overnight, and I’ll be back by tomorrow afternoon.”

“When you’ll find me standing on the platform waiting for you.”

“You don’t have to,” he said as the train pulled in.

“I want to be here when you return,” she said as the duke climbed into a first-class carriage.

“That’s good of you, old gal.”

“Goodbye,” Virginia called out, and waved as the train set off on its journey to London. She then quickly left the station in search of another man.

“Are you Poltimore?” she asked a young man standing on the pavement and looking a little lost. His fair hair almost reached his shoulders, and he was wearing a duffle coat and carrying a small suitcase.

“I am indeed, your grace,” he said, giving her a slight bow. “I wasn’t expecting you to come and pick me up.”

“My pleasure,” said Virginia, as the chauffeur opened the back door of the car for them.

On the drive back to the castle, Virginia explained why she’d invited an art historian from Sotheby’s to come and view the Hertford collection.
