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“I’m also going to move Mollie into Caroline Sims class—”

“What? No.” I finally found my voice.

“It’s for the best considering the situation.”

I shook my head. “It’s not Mollie’s fault. She’s come such a long way. Moving her at this time of year might cause her to withdraw again. I’ll end things with Will, but please, don’t take out my mistake on her.”

Mrs. Snyder studied me for a long moment. I could see why she was a good principal because it was all I could do not to squirm under her intense gaze. Finally, she nodded. “Very well. She can stay. But things must end with her father.”

My head bobbed up and down. “Yes. Of course. I’m sorry.”

After she left, I continued to sit. I wanted to cry. I could feel the tears gathering behind my eyes. But I heard Ms. Hatcher outside gathering the children to return to class. I forced myself to get it together. I stood and finished setting up for math, all the while, my heart was like a lead weight in my chest.

Chapter 14


Yesterday, I didn’t see Ellie at all, and it made me fucking crazy. Apparently, I couldn’t go a day without seeing her beautiful smile, hearing her wonderful laugh, and yes, admiring her sexy body. But it was more than her body I craved. I realized that on Friday night when I made love to her. It was like there was an invisible string that tied my heart to hers. It fucking scared me to death, and at the same time, it excited me.

The problem was, I wasn’t sure how Ellie was feeling. I thought I saw emotion in her eyes as I stroked into her long and slow the other night. But when she let me fuck her tits, it felt a little bit like we were back to friends with benefits. Yes, I enjoyed it, but it didn’t quite have the emotional connection as I’d had when I took her slow.

Then, on the beach with her and Mollie, I felt like I’d come home. Like we were a unit. Mollie was only close to me and my parents, but she took to Ellie like they’d been lifelong friends. Ellie was so gentle and patient, but not patronizing to Mollie. When we walked on the beach, it felt so natural, so right to take her hand and complete the circuit that bound us three.

And then yesterday, she was nowhere to be found. Without Ellie, Mollie didn’t want to go to the beach, so we spent time at the pool, and later we drove out to my parent’s house for dinner. I went so far as to knock on Ellie’s door to see if she wanted to come with us. I shook my head that I was inviting a woman to meet my parents, and yet it felt like the thing I needed to do. It was something I wanted to do.

But she wasn’t home, so it was just Mollie and me at my parents. We were sitting in the backyard while my father grilled burgers and hotdogs, and my mother was sitting with me, watching Mollie play in the wading pool.

“What’s this I hear about you kissing Mollie’s teacher.” My mother quirked an amused brow at me.

My cheeks heated in embarrassment, but I decided to keep it honest. “I did. I didn’t know Mollie saw that.”

My mother turned her attention to me. I could see surprise and intrigue in her face. “So, this is serious?”

My heart raced, both in excitement and fear. “I…I like her. I want to see where things might go.”

My mother grinned and clasped her hands over her heart. “Oh, Will, I’m so happy for you.”

I lifted my hand to halt her. “It’s still new and I’m not sure how she feels about me.”

“Oh, come on! Who wouldn’t love you?”

Tiffany hadn’t. “Still. Just because I’m willing to have a relationship, it doesn’t mean it will go anywhere. Don’t get your hopes up.” But I could see her hopes were already up.

“You need to invite her over, Will. I know she must be wonderful because Mollie already loves her.”

I nodded. “She’s really helped Mollie come out of her shell.”

“Do you think she’d adopt her?”

My heart thumped hard in my chest. I hadn’t even thought about that. “We’re not anywhere close to that.”

A part of me didn’t see myself letting any woman adopt Mollie. Even if I ever got married, I wasn’t sure I could risk the legal issues that would arise if I allowed her to adopt Mollie and then something went wrong. At least Tiffany had made it easy for me. She left legal papers giving me all rights to Mollie, walked out, and never looked back.

“Well, your dad and I would like to meet her.”

I nodded. “Maybe. I’ll see.”

The next day, my mind was whirling with all the new emotion and possibilities, making it really difficult to work. All I could think about was being with Ellie. Asking her if she felt anything beyond friendship for me. And holy hell, wondering if she’d adopt Mollie if things took their logical course.

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