Page 66 of Bared (Club Sin 2)

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Cora grunted as he pushed against her puckered hole. When he popped in through tight knots of muscle, she moaned. Aidan shifted his hips and added pressure, sliding deep inside her. She squeezed him, nearly crossing his eyes. He grunted, loving how much force he had to add—how pleasurable the squeeze of her muscles was around his shaft.

Each shift he made forward, she pushed against him. Her low moans indicated the lack of pleasure at the moment, the burn she experienced at the stretch to accept him into her anus. He didn’t relent. She never said stop.

He kept pushing deep inside her, as her tight muscles sent him tumbling into euphoria. When his pelvis pressed against her ass, he leaned down, cupping her face. “I’m sorry I’ve hurt you.” Pretty eyes, so lost in desire held his. “I don’t deserve you, Cora. I’ve crushed you.”

“I don’t need an apology, Aidan.” She gasped as he slid in and out of her bottom. “I’ve been strong for us both. Now I need you to love me.”

He groaned. She was treating his cock to a sensation so tight and favorable. “I’ll give you so much more, luv.”

The moment the words left his mouth, all sensation vanished. Cora was no longer beneath him and bound to the desk. The club looked dark and abandoned. His throbbing, heavy cock rested against the wood, as if he’d never been inside her.

As if Cora had never been with him.

His world shattered. Her absence he couldn’t endure. He nearly dropped to his knees and roared out his pain when a soft voice said, “Aidan.”

His heart hammered as he turned, and then the floor dropped from under him. Lily sat on the black leather couch by the dungeon’s door. Her long brown hair flowed along her shoulders. Her white dress settled over her crossed knee. She looked like his angel that had been taken away from him all too soon. His heart ached; his voice became thick in his throat. “Why are you here?”

“I’m watching you live again.” She smiled at him with twinkling light eyes. “Forgive yourself and be happy with her, Aidan.”

Aidan woke with a gasp and sat up straight in bed. His pulse raced and his cock throbbed beneath the bedsheets. The sun beamed through the window, showing dust along his cherrywood furniture.

He ran his hands over his face, exhaling a long breath. His mind spun with the wicked thoughts of his dream and of Lily watching the exchange. What the fuck was that?

Dropping his hands from his damp, warm face, he scanned his empty bedroom, hearing nothing but silence. A fast burst of ice coursed through his veins, softening his cock. His thoughts of Cora, touching her and commanding her, consumed him.

Instead of doing that with her, he sat in his house all alone. His heart clenched. He had nothing—no Cora, no Lily—and yet he could have it all. Cora had bared her soul to him and had offered him her love.

Why was he refusing her?

Aidan ripped off the sheets and approached his walk-in closet next to the master bathroom. Once inside, he reached for the memory box on the top shelf of the wooden cabinets. He dragged his feet along the hardwood floors and returned to his bed. The sun shone through the window next to him as he opened the box. His hands trembled as he took out the photo album containing memories with Lily.

He shut his eyes for a moment, gaining strength. Then he flipped the cover open to a picture of Lily in their backyard. He stared at her, a woman he had loved beyond anything he thought himself capable.

With Cora heavy on his mind, and with Lily’s voice in his ears, Aidan allowed himself to go deep into his soul. As if his past and present could no longer fight. The two women were woven into his life and had faced him in a dream.

He could no longer hide. Bringing Lily and Cora together had made him unable to run from the pain ripping him to shreds. He had lost Lily, but he couldn’t stand the thought of losing Cora, too.

Aidan knew he’d gotten past Lily’s death. His affection for Cora had brought him out of a dark place in his life. Her smile had soothed him. Her personality had made him laugh. She had brought him joy when he thought he couldn’t possibly be happy again.

At the cemetery with Cora, he’d known that he no longer mourned Lily. Of course he would always miss her. But he had accepted her death. Though something else had kept him shadowed in misery, something he had refused to deal with. Now he knew that avoidance had only made it worse. He brushed his finger over Lily’s cheek in the picture. “How do I fix this, Lily?”

She’s dead, his mind told him.

She can’t answer you, his heart bled.

Aidan had always listened to Lily’s advice. She’d always known how to fix everything. He needed someone to answer his spun-around thoughts. He needed to shed the darkness in his soul. Maybe he’d been too quiet about what he went through. Perhaps he’d dealt with his pain alone, which had been the wrong thing to do. Even more so, he thought for the first time, he needed to lean on others.

As a Dom, he wanted to portray strength.

As a man, he knew hiding his weaknesses had broken him.

He couldn’t outrun his demons. They had consumed him like poison in his veins. He’d become a man he couldn’t be proud of. One he couldn’t live with, and a man that would have made Lily ashamed.

He hadn’t fought back.

He’d run.

Aidan might have said goodbye to Lily and accepted a life
