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“People like him,” I nodded to the fool behind me, “are the reason you should never be proud to called Liam Jr. You can only stand behind me for so long before you have to stand up by yourself. It is better you learn this now before you end up like him bleeding on someone else’s hotel floor, crying out forsomeone else to save his pathetic life. Do you understand me?”

His nose flared a little, his eyes hardened, his fist clenched, but he nodded. “I will never be like him.”

I saw it.

The same thing my father saw in me, I now saw in him and I could not help but feel pride at that.

“Tàiyáng Ruò Jiàn, when your father asks who did this to you, tell him I, Liam Callahan, accept his apology in advance. Tell him if I have to deal with the Tàiyáng family again, I will show no mercy, and you will lose your other head,” I said as I watched the blood pour from him. He sobbed and curled into a ball on my floor.

“Sir, it’s almost time,” Fedel reminded me.

Sighing, I nodded, already heading towards the doors with Ethan beside me. He peeked back at him once, a frown turned his lips downward, but said nothing until we were in the hall once again.

“Uncle Declan?” Ethan said with a grin. He ran up to the man who was dressed in a fitted dark suit, shirt and black tie. His dark brown hair was cut shorter on the sides and longer on the top, styled by who I could guess was Coraline. There was no way in hell he’d put effort in coming here if our family didn’t have to. “Uncle, why aren’t you in a bow tie?”

“Because apparently he and the grim reaper share a closest,” I answered for him.

He snickered and messed up Ethan’s hair. “Unfortunately, not all of us can pull off the James Bond look as well as your father, Ethan.”

The corner of my lips turned up. “Well, at least you know.”

He rolled his eyes, the smile on his face fading when he focused on the door behind me. “Everything good?”

I didn’t reply, but on the elevator as it arrived. When Ethan moved to get in, I held my hand out shaking my head. “Your job now is to go with your uncle and fill him in before dinner starts. I can count on you, can’t I?”

“YES!” He stood straighter and nodded so seriously I wanted to laugh. A grin spread across Declan’s lips and his eyes met mine. I knew exactly what was going through his mind and I was sure he knew what was on mine as well.

The ride to the penthouse suite was short. The two men already standing at the entrance did not say not word, only opening the suite room for me. I didn’t give a shit about how nice the room looked or how good the view was. The moment I saw her, dressed in a sinfully tight long cream gown that hugged each one her curves and hung off of her shoulders, which exposed the top of her back, nothing else mattered. She stood on the terrace, staring out at the city. Before I even realized I was behind her, brushing her hair over to the side with one hand and gripping her waist with the other, I kissed the top of her nape.

“Careful,” she said, “my husband will be here soon.”

Kissing up her neck, I bit the top of her ear and whispered, “don’t push me, Melody. I’m not above hiking this dress up and fucking you in front of all Chicago.”

“Ahh…” She moaned when I grabbed on to her breasts, both of us frustrated over the amount of fabric between my palm and her skin. I was already hard for her and the way she pressed into me, I’m sure she knew.


Godfuckingdamn it.

Taking a deep breath, I let go of her and she grabbed on to the rail in front and tilted her head back.

“14 days, 3 hours, 20 something minutes, I think we’ve broken our record.” She turned to face me leaning against the rail, a growing smile on her face.

“Not having time to have sex is not a record I want break.” I frowned and placed my hands on either side of her. Two weeks. Two god-forsaken weeks—that was how long it had been since I had sex and I was starting to lose my fucking mind. Between both of our “jobs” and our kids, we didn’t have time. Before, we always made time…didn’t matter what was going on. “Acting like an adult and being reasonable is doing nothing but giving me blue balls. I’m far too sexy to be suffering from blue balls.”

She laughed, freely, and openly, but only ever for me and our children. “I wouldn’t say nothing. From what I hear The Mad Hatter is as terrifying as ever. Meanwhile, Bloody Melody is stuck in bureaucracy, and slowly losing her goddamn mind.”

“Honestly babe, I really don’t give a fuck right now,” I said and her eyebrow twitched in annoyance. “Because…all I want to hear is our bed slamming up against the wall, you moaning underneath me and my heart racing as I slam my cock into you over and over and over again.”

Her brown eyes filled with lust. “Someone is confident in his abilities.”

“Well, you keep coming back for more, so how can I not be?”

“Then tonight it better go down exactly as you describe, Mr. Callahan.”

Cupping the side of her cheek, I couldn’t look away from her lips. “Or you’ll do what, Mrs. Callahan? You want me as badly as I want you, I bet you’re getting wet right now.”

She glared, but she didn’t deny it. Instead she brushed my hand off her face and changed the subject. “What happened with our guest in the Presidential suite?”
