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I stared at the door after my dad closed it. He could surprise me at times.

I went in search of my phone, realizing it hadn’t rung at all, unusual since Amy would have called me when I hadn’t called her last night. I found it on the coffee table in the living room. I’d forgotten to take it off mute.

I called my best friend, and she was quick to answer.

“I was getting worried not hearing from you. Tell me everything that happened last night.”

I laughed. “Why don’t I start with how my dad found me asleep with Ian wrapped around me on the couch this morning.”

“You had sex?”

“Sleep. Sleep. Where did you hear sex?”

“Wishful thinking for you,” Amy confessed.

Maybe me too, though I didn’t want to admit it.

I shared all with Amy as I usually do and when I got to the part where I told her that it couldn’t work between Ian and me because he intended to divide his time between here and Scotland, she was blunt in her response.

“Bullshit. You love to travel, and Scotland was on our bucket list. How great would it be to live part of the year there with your husband?”

“Husband? You’re getting way ahead of yourself.”

“And you’re not thinking of possibilities. Leave yourself open, Pepper. I so envied you when you went to college in New Jersey, away from your family and all you knew. You spread your wings and I loved visiting you there and spending time on the beach, and I would love, God, how I would love visiting you in Scotland. Not that I wouldn’t miss you being here each and every day, but as long as I knew you were coming back, I could deal with it.”

“Ian and I just met. I don’t want to project that far ahead.”

“I can understand that, but don’t rule out anything. Give yourself a chance. Personally, I think the guy’s already fallen for you.”

I had a difficult time believing that. “Why would a gorgeous guy like him be interested in me?”

Amy let out a dramatic sigh. “Fate. You both were destined to meet and fall in love.”

“You read too many romance novels,” I cautioned.

“And you don’t read enough.”

“Back to reality,” I warned.

“What’s your reality for today?”

“I’m going to go talk to Burke Strathmore and see what he can tell me about his attempt to purchase Willow Lake Lodge.”

“He’s such an as—”

“Yeah, I figure he still thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”

“And it doesn’t help that he actually is a good-looking man,” Amy admitted.

“Not as good looking as Ian.”

Amy laughed. “There isn’t a man alive as good looking as Ian.

She had to say that which, of course, made me think it was hopeless for Ian and me. We just didn’t fit. I was not one of the beautiful people and I didn’t care to be.

After seeing to settling Mo and Roxie for the day and grabbing a quick breakfast. I got dressed. I slipped on distressed denim jeans, a red Henley, a black cloth bomber-style jacket, too soft and comfortable for words, and a pair of black sneakers. I left my face au naturel and fastened my hair in a ponytail. And off I went.

Strathmore Builders had their own building on ten acres of land just outside the outskirts of Willow Lake. It was the top employer for the town and had been since William Strathmore, Burke’s grandfather, had started the business many years ago. It housed their real estate office, construction office, architect office, site office, and not far from the sizeable pond that occupied an area of the property sat the carpentry building. It was the building that started Strathmore Builders, William having been a carpenter. At seventy-five he had retired, leaving his son, Daniel, and grandson, Burke, to run the business. He returned from time to time to work in the carpentry section.

I had to admit, it was an impressive place and, if the town gossip could be trusted, it was a good place to work. The main brick structure had been built over forty years ago and changed through the years, combining more modern elements that blended nicely not only with the brick but the land around it.

I didn’t know if Burke would see me without an appointment, but I figured I’d give it a try. Luck seemed to be with me, since Burke was heading into the main entrance as I approached.

“Pepper Madison, what are you doing here?”

He sent me a generous smile and I had to admit he was a good-looking guy. Chestnut brown hair he kept stylish, crystal blue eyes, an athletic build, and a tailored suit that all screamed I’m gorgeous and I know it and, oh, I’m rich too.

“I came to see if you can spare me a few minutes.”

“I always have time for you, Pepper,” he said and held the door open for me.

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