Page 87 of Scent of Danger

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"Really." Carson was clearly enjoying this battle of wits. "And how will you manage that? I'm not incompetent. I'm more lucid than you are."

"I'll he." A corner of Sabrina's mouth lifted, and she slid a sidelong glance at Dylan. "I know an amazing lawyer who, I'd be willing to bet, would take the case— to protect Ruisseau's interests, of course."

"Don't bet," Carson cautioned. "You'd lose. The lawyer you're looking at doesn't lie. He also doesn't screw me over."

"True." Dylan took his cue, jumping in with both feet. "But, in this case, I'd make an exception."

Carson's head snapped around, his stunned gaze boring into Dylan. "You're kidding."

"Nope. The way I see it, I might be lying, but I wouldn't be screwing you over. I'd be doing you the biggest favor of your life. You're just too goddamned stubborn to see it." Dylan blew out an exasperated breath. "Carson, stop being an obstinate pain in the ass. Give in gracefully. You're not going to win."

"The hell I'm not."

"Fine. Then call Sabrina's bluff. I'll come up with some great language declaring you mentally incompetent. Keep raving that you're not accepting an ideal donor match, and you'll only lend credibility to my argument. And if I need witnesses, the nurses in ICU would line up to support my claim. They already think you're nuts."

"Sorry, Dylan, but your knight-in-shining-armor bullshit's not going to work. You and I both know you're full of it. You might try, but you could never pull this off. I know a dozen people, including Radison, who'd testify that I'm a hundred percent lucid and able to make my own decisions. They're not about to perjure themselves to help you realize your sentimental goal. This might shock you, but not everyone feels the same way about me as you do."

"I don't blame them," Sabrina commented dryly. "But that's not the point. What you're saying is that if I tried declaring you incompetent, you'd fight it—right?"

"I'd fight it and I'd win. Remember, Sabrina, I'm the ultimate street kid. There's no beating me when it comes to getting down in the dirt and slugging it out."

"I agree." Sabrina interlaced her fingers calmly. "And I'm the ultimate corporate shark. It's a role I don't much like playing, but when I do, there's no beating me when it comes to going for the jugular. It just so happens that I was trained on a different, but equally brutal, battlefield than you. So, here we have it. You played your hand. Here's mine. I'm seeing a nephrologist on Wednesday. She's got a battery of tests to run. It's going to be another month before I get the go-ahead. But once I do—which I will—and if your kidneys still haven't kicked in on their own, then you and I have a date in the operating room. If you refuse to let me be your transplant donor, I'll break my agreement with Ruisseau, walk out of your life, and never look back. Your turn."

Carson stared at her for a moment, trying to determine if she was serious or bluffing. Obviously, he didn't like the answer he found, because a flash of naked pain crossed his face. Sabrina knew she'd caused that pain, and it made her insides twist. But she stood her ground, kept her impassive veneer in place.

"I'm not bluffing this time, Carson," she reinforced quietly. "I mean it. Either I'm your daughter or I'm not. If I am, accept my heartfelt need to be there for you. Act like a father. If you can't, then I guess we've got nothing to build on. And nothing more to say."

A long minute of silence ticked by.

"Damn, you're good," Carson muttered at last. "I guess the corporate battlefield's even bloodier than the streets." He threw up his hands. "Fine. You win. I'll take your damned kidney."

She smiled sweetly. "Thank you. Now that that's set-tied, I have some other news to share. I think this news will be a lot easier for you to swallow. In fact, it might even make you stop bellowing like a moose."

He arched a suspicious brow. "I'm listening."

Sabrina d

idn't make him wait. "I did one other thing on the plane ride back to LaGuardia besides my Ruisseau work. I drafted an announcement telling the entire staff who I am and what my position in the company is. With your approval, I'd like to make that announcement this afternoon."

Carson coughed, reaching over for a glass of water and taking a few swallows. "Tickle in my throat," he muttered, fooling no one, since they all knew how affected he was by Sabrina's decision. Regaining his composure, he placed the glass on the nightstand. "Are you sure you're ready?" He studied Sabrina's face. "There's no timeline here. And no pressure—not from me, or anyone else."

"I realize that. I don't feel pressure. Not from anyone or anything—including today's blood test results. I made this decision separate and apart from what I learned from Dr. Radison today. I want to make this announcement, Carson. I planned on doing so whether or not I was a compatible donor match."

She paused, then blurted out her thoughts without censoring them. "I've had an amazing couple of weeks. Getting to know you has been like being infused with a constant jolt of adrenaline—and we've just touched the tip of the iceberg in terms of our relationship and what it might grow into. As for having a hand in running Ruisseau, I've never felt more alive, more challenged—and more honored. Your company encompasses all the positive team spirit and drive for success that I try to convey in my CCTL workshops. It's awesome to see its effects firsthand. I'm chomping at the bit to see what happens next. Most of all, I'm dying to get you back in that CEO chair, so I can work by your side. There's so much we can accomplish. And with you back where you belong, and me there to add my energy and perspective to the equation, Ruisseau's going to go through the roof."

A corner of Carson's mouth lifted. "So you were bluffing about walking away if I refused to take your kidney."

She shook her head. "No, I wasn't. Which—given the superlatives I just spouted, and how excited I am to take part in Ruisseau's future—should tell you exactly how much my decision to be your kidney donor means to me.

A heartbeat of silence.

"Yeah. It does." Carson reached out, squeezed her arm briefly before extending his hand. "Let me see that announcement."

Sabrina gave it to him, watching his expression as he read it through. "Change anything you want," she urged. "If I had my way, it would be you making that announcement."

"It will be." He raised his head. "What time did you call the meeting for?"


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