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Then it would be time to get to work.

The train slowed and then finally pulled into the Upper Montclair station.

Emma rose and slung her gym bag over her arm. She was relieved to be here but a little nervous about the job ahead. She was a hell of an actress, but this was the real deal, not some con job. Like Casey said, there were lives at stake.

Patrick’s linebacker security guy, Brian Mason, had already closed his iPad, tucked it under his arm, and was ready to exit the train behind her. He’d been her shadow from the time she’d boarded the subway at Grand Street in Chinatown to the time she’d arrived at Penn Station and hopped the Montclair-Boonton line to Upper Montclair, to now, when she was about to disembark. He’d seated himself several rows back and diagonally across from her—a respectable distance away but one that could be spanned in a matter of seconds if need be. For the forty-plus minutes that they’d been on the train, he’d barely moved a muscle, ostensibly scrolling through something on his iPad throughout the trip. Emma wasn’t fooled. Every ounce of his attention had been focused on her. No one else would ever pick up on it; he was just that subtle.

Patrick never hired anyone but the best.

Emma stepped off the platform and gave a causal glance behind her to ensure that Brian was there. Of course, he was. She then began her short stroll, skirting around Bellevue Plaza until she hit the main drag and making her way the couple of blocks to Excalibur.

Lisa was wrapping up an aerobics class when Emma walked in. Still, she spotted Emma immediately, and her whole face lit up. She couldn’t finish her group’s cooldown stretches fast enough.

Emma grinned at her, then perched at the desk and waited. Brian was somewhere right outside the building. Idly, Emma wondered if he was wearing a Lycra outfit under his polo shirt and slacks, all prepped to burst into Excalibur and participate, if need be. The image almost made her dissolve into giggles. She knew he’d stay outside and watch the gym like a hawk. Still, the vision amused her enough to ease some of the tension from her body.

While she waited, she looked around the bustling gym, taking in the extensive and pricy equipment, inviting décor, and diverse activities going on—not to mention the dozens of members filling the place. Lisa and Miles had gone all out with Julie’s inheritance. This place was incredible. Kudos to them.

“Hey.” Lisa appeared at Emma’s side, greeting her as she wiped her face and neck with a towel. As casual as her motions were, the tension emanating from her body was palpable—as was her relief regarding Emma’s presence. There were stress lines etched across her forehead and dark circles under her eyes.

“Hi,” Emma replied, giving her a quick hug. “I love your gym. It’s awesome.”

“Thanks.” A hint of a smile. “We busted our asses to make it the go-to place in Upper Montclair. I’m proud of the outcome.” Lisa sucked in her breath. Clearly, the virtues of Excalibur were not the main thing on her mind right now. “Spin class starts in twenty minutes. Can we grab a couple of bottles of water and hang out in my office till then?”

“Great.” Emma was glad to be getting Lisa alone for a while—but not for the same reasons Lisa had in mind. No heavy conversation. Not now. The poor woman was a wreck. It was time for some nonsensical girl talk, a little bit of information and words of reassurance, and the promise that they’d get into an in-depth update when they got back to the apartment, so that Miles and Shannon

could be in on the talk, as well.

Mentally, Emma reviewed the notes she’d taken, along with Casey’s instructions. Provide enough details to ensure peace of mind. The process would be like peeling back the layers of an onion. Start with the topical stuff. Pare slowly down to the heavier-duty data. And stop when your eyes started watering. Never forget that this was a need-to-know mission. Nothing about Maxim Lubinov or RusChem or the magnitude of the threat to their lives could be mentioned. Only the broader, more general realities, accompanied by a slightly more in-depth explanation.

Girding her loins, Emma took the bottle of water Lisa handed her and followed her into the back room that was her office.

“Sit.” Lisa shut the door behind her and gestured at one of the soothing-toned aqua chairs positioned across from her desk. She took the adjacent chair, rather than using the one behind her desk. Clearly, she was opting to talk without the barrier of a large, solid object between them. It was hard enough to have a normal conversation with the combined sounds of blasting music and pounding feet emanating from outside her office walls. No point in adding distance and formality.

Emma sat down, grinning as she sank into the buttery soft leather. “Wow. These are awesome. But comfort? In a gym? I thought we were supposed to suffer, nonstop.”

Lisa managed a small smile. “Not at Excalibur. The experience is supposed to be adrenaline-pumping—and, yeah, somewhat body-pushing—but upbeat and addictive. My goal is always for clients to leave feeling great about themselves and the world.” Her smile vanished. “Maybe it’s my way of giving them a feeling I’m totally lacking these days.”

Emma felt a pang of sympathy and of admiration. Talk about coping with a positive spin. “It’s going to be okay, Lisa.” With a quick glance around, she amended, “Julie.”

Grimacing, Lisa uncapped her bottle and took a gulp of water. “At this point, I don’t even know who I am. I only know I’m caught in some terrifying trap, and I don’t know how to escape.”

“It’s not your job to escape,” Emma replied. “It’s our job to give you back your freedom. And we will. We’ve got our FBI contact fully on board now. He’s a get-it-done guy, just like the rest of us. I can’t get into his exact role, because we owe him the same confidentiality we owe you. But he’s got skills, contacts, and experience. Trust me—he’s the best.”

Emma stopped to take a healthy swallow of her own water, using that time to regroup. The outer layer of the onion had just been peeled away.

It was enough for now.

No surprise that Lisa had other ideas.

“Can you tell me something about this FBI agent and what he’s doing on our case?” she asked, spreading her arms wide, palms turned up in frustration.

“Like I said, there’s not much I’m at liberty to say.” Emma shifted in her seat, gazing through the glass pane that separated Lisa’s office from the rest of the gym. “Plus, I don’t think we should get into anything heavy while we’re here. Not only is our privacy limited but we only have fifteen minutes. I’d rather just hang out and then have some fun with you and this spin class. Afterwards, we can grab some takeout, head back to your apartment, and get into your concerns when we’re all together. I promise I’ll tell you everything I can. Okay?”

“I guess that works.” Lisa sounded reluctant but resigned. “There’s a great Chinese place a block away if you like Chinese.”

“Like it? I’d kill for some General Tso’s chicken. Add some great house special fried rice, an egg roll, and a super-hot guy to pay for it, and my life is complete.”

Lisa began to laugh, and Emma gave herself a pat on the back. She knew that when she turned on her whole youthful enthusiasm thing, it was infectious. It also humanized her and inspired trust. She could already sense that Lisa’s paranoia about being kept out of the loop was abating. Emma had to capitalize on that, not only with Lisa but with Shannon, as well.
