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"Why not begin with Anders, then? He's right here in London, isn't he?"

"He certainly is. I had an altercation with him not two hours past."

Boyd looked surprised. "I know you don't particularly like or trust the fellow. But I didn't know you were openly hostile toward each other."

"We weren't. We are now."


"He made some unwanted advances to Samantha."

"Unwanted? By whom?" Despite the seriousness of tonight's news, Boyd's lips twitched.

"By Samantha ... and by me."

"I see. Well, the knight-in-shining-armor role is b

ecoming a habit with you. At least where Samantha Barrett is concerned. One would almost think you were saving her for yourself."

"One would be right."

Boyd's smile faded. "Rem—"

"Not now, Boyd. My feelings about Samantha are too complex for a two-minute discussion. We'll delve into them another time. Right now, we have work to do."

"What will you tell Samantha about your meeting with Allonshire?"

"I can't keep it a secret; she's too close to her family. I'll continue with my original story about attempting to settle some financial difficulties. I'll tell her I managed to borrow a respectable sum of money and want to commission the building of a ship."

"And will you tell the same to Allonshire?"

"I don't know. That all depends on what he tells me." Rem rubbed his palms together. "The day we rode through Hyde Park, Samantha mentioned Goddfrey's name, as if she thought he might have some information that could solve the mystery of the missing ships. I have yet to figure out what precipitated her comment."

"But you don't think Goddfrey's involved."

"No, I don't. But perhaps Allonshire does. Samantha seemed terribly nervous when she inadvertently let the viscount's name slip in my presence. I couldn't help but think she might have been privy to a conversation she was told not to repeat."

"Which leads us back to Allonshire."

"Exactly." Rem stood. "When I left Carlton House, Anders was still at the party. I assume he'll be abed until midday . . . unless he's awakened by word of his missing ship. I'll get some sleep and call on him at noon. I'll also send a message to Allonshire, requesting a few minutes of the duke's time. Berkshire is only an hour's drive. If Drake agrees to see me in the late afternoon, I should have some answers by nightfall."

"Rem, before you go ..." Boyd rose slowly, obviously uncomfortable with his next question. "Did Samantha happen to mention Cynthia at all?"

"Ah, Cynthia. I'm glad you brought her up." Rem leaned toward his friend. "I had a very interesting chat with Samantha's new maid this evening."

"A chat? About what?"

"Evidently, Cynthia has appointed herself Samantha's conscience. She warned me in no uncertain terms to stay away from her mistress and to leave her virtue intact."

Boyd blinked. "I see."

"That doesn't surprise you?"

"No. I'm not sure why, but it doesn't. There's something about that woman ... I don't know what it is. All I know is that she doesn't belong at Annie's and that she's more a lady than a whore."

"I agree."

"You do?"
