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Zella’s eyebrows go up, and not in a pretty way. She looks like she would have a really squeaky voice.

“Heard a lot about me? Oh, Maxwell, do you still tell stories about me, hon?”

“No, Sunny Regales mentioned you in passing,” I correct her innocently.

“Oh,” she pouts as her head swivels to face me. “I don’t think she likes me.”

“Oh, of course she does,” I lie.

Zella stares at me without shame, checking me out from top to bottom. By the way she sniffs at my outfit, I can tell she doesn’t think I am worth her consideration.

“Well, thank you for stopping by,” Maxwell announces cordially. “I really do need to be getting back to work. Clarissa? You had something for me?”

Zella pivots, placing her body between me and Maxwell so that he has to pay attention to her.

“But you didn’t tell me yet!” she pouts. “What am I supposed to do? About the ladybugs?”

He backs away from her, moving behind his desk where she can’t follow him.

“I really wouldn’t know anything about that,” he scowls.

“They’re just everywhere!” she bawls. “They’re all over the roses. Turtle has been eating them, which is, like, too gross.”

“Ladybugs are great for your garden,” I chirp helpfully. “They eat aphids. They can’t hurt you.”

Maxwell raises his eyebrows and smiles politely at her. “See? No problem.”

With her lips pressed tightly together, Zella glares at me for another moment before stomping out of the room. I’m surprised she’s giving up so easily, but apparently she ran out of things to say.

As soon as she’s gone, Maxwell drops his forehead against the heel of his palm and massages his temple for a moment.

“Ladybugs, huh?” I smirk. “Is that really why she came?”

“Seems like she always has some reason or other,” he sighs. “But I can’t really blame her. It’s her mother. She sends her on these missions to get me back. Zella doesn’t really have a conniving bone in her body. Her mother is just convinced… Never mind. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

Crossing my arms, I silently thank my lucky stars that I didn’t immediately go off on him the moment I saw her. When I first stepped in the room, it certainly looked… Well, obvious. I guess that was the whole point.

But instead, now I get to tease him about it. That’s much more valuable.

Almost as valuable as this check I’ve got between my hot little fingers.

“So I was thinking…” I begin.

He looks up at me, distracted, then comes into focus.

“You look happy,” he smiles slyly. “This is a good look on you. What are we happy about?”

“Why don’t you come around for dinner?” I shrug. “I’ve got the house to myself, thanks to you. No little sisters.”

“Oh, right,” he agrees slowly, his voice thickening.

I see his gaze flicker toward the middle of the office and shift slightly, so I don’t appear too casual with him. After all, this is still a secret. I may have only slept with my boss once, but I still wouldn’t want that to get out. I shift my weight in a controlled way, trying to appear professional from the back, whatever that means.

“I know a little something about wine,” he murmurs, staring at a manila folder on his desk in case anyone is watching.

“I know a little something about pork chops? Sound good?”

He readjusts the pens in his pen holder. “I could bring dessert?”
