Page 75 of Dare Me (Take Me 2)

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“Nik,” Damen called out as she collected her purse—bypassing yet another meal she wouldn’t get to eat—and stalked toward the door. “Please, just—”

She yanked on the handle and jerked the door open. As she crossed the threshold, she said, “Keep the fucking computer, Damen. Whatever’s left of it, whether it’s intact or rubble, I officially no longer care.”

That wasn’t true, of course.

But she honestly was through with all of this.

As in, her rational brain could not overpower her irrational side a second longer and it was better to maintain whatever strand of sanity she could cling to, rather than cave to all the despair that was pressing in on her, threatening to make her implode—the way she had when Conner had died and she’d lost the baby.

No way in hell would she willingly put herself through that again.

She was so very, very DONE.

Unfortunately, as she took the stairs to the main floor, she heard footsteps behind her.

Not Damen’s heavier ones—he was smarter than that. Knew better than to pursue her at this particular moment.

No, these were lighter, feminine footsteps, with a distinct bounce to them.

Agent Garcia.

Nikki didn’t spare a glance behind her to confirm her suspicion.

She marched toward the double glass doors at the entrance of the building with her own purposeful strides.

How the fuck she was going to get off the ops campus didn’t hit her until she was on the sidewalk, on her way to the parking lot.

Maybe Damen’s driver was still there?

If not… Shit, it wasn’t as though she could Uber on out of here. No way would those guards at the gate allow an arbitrary vehicle through them.

She’d have to wait on the other side. If they’d even let her out.

“Dr. Kane,” Garcia called from behind her. “Wait, please.”

Nikki raised a hand and waved her off, without even looking back at the other woman.

“Go about your own business, Agent. I am one-hundred percent not interested in speaking with you, let alone staying here a minute longer. I just need a ride…” she added under her breath as her gaze scanned the lot where she and Damen had first arrived.

“I can help with that,” Garcia was quick to say. She hastened her pace to a jog and caught up with Nikki. Falling into step with her, Garcia said, “I have a car. I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

Nikki was suddenly Tony Stark, craving a burger as his first meal back on American soil.

Oh, Christ…

She had to think of food, didn’t she?

Her stomach rumbled. She was famished.

Her knees almost gave out on her at the prospect of a hot, juicy cheeseburger.

Nikki drew up short, abruptly.

Garcia was in perfect sync with her.


Nikki told her, “I have to eat. I’m going to pass out otherwise. Where’s the café?”
