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“Hire someone already,” he insisted. “Patricia said you had strong candidates.”

“Haven’t had time to follow up.”

“Then … fuck. Get Kyle to help you.”

My sleepy grunt filled the quiet room. “You’ll take that back in the morning, when I’m refreshed.”


His lips skimmed over my temple. “Don’t overdo it, Ari.”

“This is a dream come true, Dane. When it comes to planning, don’t ask—or insist—I slow down. I’m really, really excited about this.”

“Fine. But let’s get you some help.”

“I’ll decide on staff this weekend and have HR make calls on Monday. Happy?”

“Not totally. I’m still pissed about today.”


“I’m going to be tied up most of tomorrow, here with the investment group. We’re through with the bullshit. It’s time for action.”

An eerie feeling caused goose bumps to pop up on my skin. “Dane. What does that mean?”

“That’s not for you to worry about. Just work from here tomorrow, okay? Where I can keep an eye on you.”

“Whatever you want,” I whispered.

My yawn gave him the chance to say, “What’s happening at the Lux will be over soon. I’ll make sure of it.”

I didn’t like the ominous undertone. But I was too exhausted to dwell on it. With Dane’s body practically enveloping me, I was in heaven—and out like a light seconds later.

* * *

I woke up alone and immediately discovered I didn’t like it, after just two nights of having Dane wrapped around me.

I spared a glance at the small crystal clock. Half past eight. And I had so much to do.

I threw off the covers and went into the bathroom to shower and put on some makeup and add a few curls to my hair. Then I crossed the hall to the dressing room and selected a navy-colored yoga suit with a white tank top under the jacket. I slipped on the lightweight sneaks I’d brought with me and went straight to the great room.

Dane, Ethan, and two others were on the patio, at one of the smaller tables, huddled over paperwork and talking animatedly. I grabbed some catalogs and my laptop and headed into the kitchen. Dane had left a plate of scrambled eggs with green chiles and chorizo wrapped in cellophane on the counter. Small flour tortillas and fresh pico de gallo accompanied the heavenly smelling breakfast.

I bellied up to the island and nibbled as I assessed whether the printer by the iPad on the far counter, beneath the flat-screen TV, would sync via Bluetooth to my laptop. When it did, I printed out the photos of the Lux that I’d taken. Then I used some of the printer paper to handwrite notes for each photo, determining what would go where when it came to accessorizing the lobby.

While I contemplated wreath placement, it occurred to me that I had more than the lobby to focus on. The tall columns between the wrought-iron and gold-leaf fencing needed wreaths. The lanterns atop them called for some sort of sophisticated decoration as well.

I resisted the urge to bang my head on the marble counter.

Instead, I buckled down and drafted a plan.

Around noon, Dane and his group were still hard at it, so I trolled the freezer and found Kobe beef patties. There were brioche buns and cherry tomatoes, so I sliced and lightly sautéed the tomatoes, added mozzarella to the patties to melt, and then assembled the burgers and spooned a little balsamic vinegar reduction on them before topping them off with the bun. I added lettuce and thick slices of red onion on the side. Found a bag of sea salt and vinegar kettle chips in the vast pantry and loaded up my arms with four plates.

Dane caught sight of me heading his way, since they’d moved to the larger table just outside the breakfast nook. He jumped up and opened one of the doors, helping me with the food. I then delivered beers and refreshed their pitcher of iced tea.

“Thank you,” Dane said with a kiss on the cheek. He made the introductions. “Ari, this is Nikolai Vasil and Sultan Qadir Hakim.”

