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I fought the gravitational pull that coaxed me to take a step toward him. Not at all a common urge. If anything, I typically took steps backward when I felt crowded.

But this man—Dane Bax—was a magnetic force difficult to ignore. Difficult to break free of, even though I didn’t know him. Couldn’t afford to know him, or get tangled up in the mystery of him. I was smart enough to quickly deduce he wasn’t anyone with whom I should get involved.

With a mental shake of my head, I reminded myself that I didn’t get involved period.

Yet I found myself saying, “I applied online for the Event Manager position a couple months ago.” I gave a small shrug and added, “Never heard back.”

“We’ve had some complications that have slowed our hiring process. In fact, I’ve pushed the grand opening to December.”

I let out what sounded too much like a dreamy sigh—planner’s curse. “That’ll be sensational with a light dusting of fresh powder on the sandstone buttes, and all the holiday lights and decorations.” I had no doubt they’d be gold and glittery and completely over-the-top.

“As long as nothing goes awry.” The tinge of angst in his tone made me wonder what sort of complications he’d encountered. They sounded serious, given that he’d had to move the launch.

“Well, I hope everything works out for you.” That seemed the polite thing to say to someone who’d rescued me. Not to mention, he might still be a potential employer.

“Thank you.” His gaze turned intently scrutinizing as he asked, “Why would you give up independent wedding planning for events at the Lux? You appear to be quite good at what you do. I snuck a peek at the festivities. Very impressive.”

So I had felt his gaze again. A little thrill zapped all of my erogenous zones so that I had to tamp down a moan. The man lit me up like nothing I’d ever known before.

Forcing an even tone, though fiery sensations raged through me, I told him, “It was this close to perfect.” I held up my hand, pinching my forefinger and thumb almost together.

He brooded some more. “Nothing you can do about the monsoons, Ari.”

My stomach flipped at how my name fell so smoothly and easily from his lips. His extremely kissable lips.

It took a few seconds for me to catch up with the conversation. “I enjoy the weddings, absolutely.” But a grand opening, PR functions, and galas at a resort such as 10,000 Lux—a venue that would nab five stars right out of the chute, maybe even the elusive six—was an exhilarating prospect. It’d also keep me beyond busy. And I could use the steady paycheck. Plus … “It gets a little lonely working mostly by myself. Being part of a team would be nice. I don’t have justification for staff at the moment. I don’t bring in that sort of income.”

“Money’s an issue for you?”

“Um…” That was a hugely personal question. Though hadn’t I just divulged personal things about myself? “I didn’t really mean it like that. Just, you know … Planners can spen

d weeks or months—even years—on a wedding and we generally only make ten to fifteen percent on the overall cost, so without a large company capable of handling numerous events at once, I have to schedule accordingly and—”

Christ, I was rambling. Thank God I didn’t go off on a tangent about the cryptic e-mails I’d recently received from my estranged mother. I had a very good idea what they were all about, even if dollar signs hadn’t flashed on the screen. Like my father, I literally could not afford to get caught up in whatever scheme brewed in the back of her devious mind.

It was difficult, though, to open my mouth and not spew when it came to Dane. The way he stared so fixedly at me, the way his eyes bore into mine … I found it challenging not to bare some of my soul. Completely out of character for me, but still. He was captivating in the most alluring way. Scary-captivating, which made anxiety skip through me. And yet he was so damn electrifying, I wanted to stay stuck in this moment with him, no matter what I gabbed about arbitrarily.

Having a conversation with a man who sparked my interest and left me ridiculously breathless was all very new and stimulating.

I found his brooding nature gripping in itself. His powerful presence thoroughly entranced me. But his hypnotic eyes … They were impossible to look away from, impossible to deny in that peculiar I’m desperate to know him sort of way.

So very dangerous.

Clearly, I wasn’t inclined to play it safe. Otherwise, I would have made an excuse and hid out in the resort until he drove off.

He studied me closely as he said, “Money can be the root of all evil. Haven’t you heard?”

“Says the man building the most luxurious hotel on the continent,” I half joked.

He didn’t smile. Mine faded. He wasn’t being cliché. Or glib. His entire visage turned stony with hard angles, which only made him more intensely provocative, more fascinating.

“I’ll be sure to have my Vice President of Human Resources take another look at your résumé,” he said, effectively dismissing the previous topic.

A few tense moments passed between us. Then the soft, elegant purring of an engine drew my attention. A heartbeat later, Alex joined us. I wanted to send him away. Steal more time with Dane Bax.

“You’re all set, Mr. Bax. And the rain has stopped. We kept your car covered.”

Dane appeared to reluctantly pull his gaze from mine. He fished a tip from the front pocket of his jeans and handed over the cash.
