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I glanced over at him. Got a little sidetracked with my thoughts as I admired his gorgeous body. Not as tanned as usual, since he’d spent a bit too much time the past couple of months cooped up with the FBI. By the afternoon, he’d have his normal color back, I was sure.

Regardless, he was mouthwatering. He clearly hadn’t missed a workout. In fact, I thought he appeared a bit buffer. Maybe he’d taken out his aggression and angst weight lifting. I didn’t know. All I could say was that he was sinfully delicious and it was almost impossible to merely sit next to him—not climb all over his hunky body.

Curbing the urge for the moment, I said, “It’s a wonder Amano hasn’t taken matters into his own hands when it comes to Horton. He was the one to hire him at the Lux, after all. He must be furious. And he’s so dedicated to you, Dane. This must be eating away at him.”

“Precisely why I issued a strict order for him to leave Horton be. I don’t want anything to interfere with the legal process. Or I’d kill him myself.”

I gaped.

“Come on, Ari,” he said, deathly serious. “You can’t be shocked that’s exactly what I want to do.”

“Dane.” Dark and Dangerous was back. It set me on-edge. “We talked about this. We agreed.”

“He’s still alive, isn’t he?”

I drew in a long breath, let it out slowly. “Yes.”

“I’m not blowing any of this on technicalities. I’m doing exactly what the FBI tells me to do. Everything is by the book. And when the axe drops … Trust me. It’ll drop swiftly and destructively.”

His stone jaw and the burning need for revenge in his eyes were telltale signs that he and the agents he worked with had this on solid ground. No room for errors or any slipup that would skew the entire justice system.

I breathed a little easier. Not just because Dane was so certain this would all work out as he wanted but also because my husband resisted his vigilante nature, which I knew took great effort. I’d seen him defend what was his—and knew the compulsion to do it again still raged within him.

Even walking into the den and seeing Kyle’s arm around my shoulders had sent Dane into that dark place in his mind where I didn’t want him to linger.

“Enough of the dreary,” Dane said as he stood and took my hand. “Let’s swim.”

* * *

Amano and Kyle returned late afternoon. Amano handed over a garment bag, and I eyed him suspiciously.

“Eleanor took a guess at your size,” he said.

I crooked a brow. “She knows I’m pregnant?”

“Yes. I had Jack set up more trusts for the baby.”

“Oh. Thank you.” Turning to Dane, I asked, “Why do I need a new dress?”

“Because we’re having a party tonight.”

My jaw slacked. “I haven’t cooked anything, prepared anything. And Kyle’s been out all day so—”

“Not here,” Dane said with a coy grin. “Go get ready.”

Excitement shimmied down my spine at the intrigue. And the opportunity to get all fancy for the evening.

As I headed toward the hallway, I noted Kyle had a garment bag as well. What, exactly, was Dane up to?

I showered and did my hair and makeup, again trying very hard not to get overly exhilarated about how right this all felt. Dane here with me, Amano appearing just slightly less like throttling a bad guy, Kyle still looking for that perfect chance—which would never exist—to convince me he was the better choice, yet still wanting to be a part of all of this.

I understood he came from a dysfunctional family, as we all had. Maybe that was why this particular unit worked for all of us. We might not be related by blood, but we were certainly bound by life-and-death situations. Bound by blood in a different sense.

We each had the option to scatter, to walk away from the intensity and the high-stakes game we played.

Apparently, none of us were willing to do so. That spoke volumes. Regardless of our differences and our points of view, we were committed to each other.

I donned a pretty halter-styled dress with graduating hues in sapphire that led to a fluttery, layered handkerchief hem. Eleanor had excellent taste. She’d sent dainty silver sandals as well and I felt like royalty after months spent in yoga clothes and slippers.
