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“Get in line.”

He grimaced. “Yeah, I can see you still have a bodyguard.” Amano patrolled the outskirts of the reception. “But … nothing’s happened recently, right?”

As much as Kyle wanted to prove me incorrect about Dane—which would entail something going drastically wrong—of course he didn’t want to see me hurt. Even my heartbreak had torn him up, because temporarily losing Dane had devastated me.

“All’s well on all fronts,” I assured him. “And we’re about to be asked to sit for dinner.”

The arrangements now included one rectangular setting with long and low bouquets so conversations across the table weren’t hindered, more candles, and continued music. I’d had place cards made up and put Dane in the middle, rather than at the head of the table. That way, he could converse easily with a larger audience, instead of just those fortunate enough to be at his elbows.

It likely wasn’t the smartest thing to situate Kyle next to me, but since we sat across from though a few seats down from Dane, I suspected he’d feel a modicum of relief that I was close by, where he could keep an eye on us.

His jealousy had shocked me from the onset—he hardly seemed the type, given his social and economic status. The fact that he was in a league so very far beyond me. But from the moment I’d inadvertently disrupted his business meeting at a resort in town and Kyle had swooped in to flirt, Dane had wanted to keep me out of his clutches. And any other man’s.

I sensed Dane’s gaze now and spared another glance toward him. Those mesmerizing green eyes glowed seductively in the candlelight. The look that flashed in them indicated he wasn’t thinking of how Kyle monopolized me in conversation and stuck close. He was imagining what he’d do to me when we were alone at home.

Biting back a lusty sigh, I tried to focus on what Kyle was saying about pre-launch invitations, the ones he’d been designing. But a dull ache inside had my mind preoccupied with thoughts of Dane.

I squirmed a little in my seat as flames skated over my skin. I couldn’t resist a smile and gave it to Dane. One corner of his mouth lifted in the sexy, secretive grin I loved. My pulse raced.

Returning my attention to Kyle, who hadn’t noticed my lapse while he dug into wasabi mashed potatoes and ham, I said, “We’re adding a special media night as well. Did someone mention that while I was out? It’ll be a pretty big press event.”

He paused just long enough to say, “No. Date?”

“I haven’t confirmed with Dane, but I’ll let you know and get you the details. We’re looking for an international turnout, so consider that as you’re running ideas through your head on design.”

“Got it.” He went back to the food. “Damn, this is good.”

I was looped into a conversation with the VP and director of PR and let Kyle wolf down the rest of his meal. He was of the strapping variety. A former college football player and frat boy. Regular workouts and mountain-biking Sedona’s famed trails kept him in phenomenal shape, post-quarterback days.

We’d met when he was the best man for the same wedding where I’d first encountered Dane. My heart skipped a couple of beats at that crazy night months ago and I shot another look Dane’s way. He was engaged in a discussion with the heads of HR and Legal, two women who were extremely efficient, with clipped tones and quick brains. Very let’s get down to brass tacks types. I’d found them a bit terse and dry in the beginning, but once they’d come to realize Dane trusted and valued my opinion they’d eased up a bit. Would even snicker at one of my sardonic comments from time to time.

True to form all day long, Dane stood during dessert and delivered a well-thought-out and engaging speech.

“The majority of you at this table tonight were the first to come onboard when we started hiring at the Lux,” he said. “You’ve worked through construction noise and dust, and you never lost focus on the task at hand. I recruited and hired you for specific reasons. Because you’re the best in the hotel industry in your respective fields. Because you’ve been committed in your past endeavors—and you remain so with this present one. You understand my vision and have adopted it as your own. More than that, you embrace the importance of what 10,000 Lux stands for … not just luxury, opulence, brilliance—”

He spared another glance my way, because I was one of few who’d caught on quickly as to the true definition of 10,000 Lux. It was an audiovisual term that meant “brilliant light.”

Continuing, he said, “But a phenomenal level of customer service that speaks to the world.” He lifted his Baccarat crystal flute and added, “Because of all that you’ve done to prepare for our grand opening, our reputation has preceded us.”

Excitement rippled through the crowd.

Dane said, “As a result, VIPs global-wide have clamored for a membership at the Lux. And, according to Max Denton”—he gestured to the VP of Memberships with his glass of bubbly—“we are less than a quarter of the way from capping all tiers of membership.”

I gasped despite Dane confiding in me earlier about the Lux’s grand success.

He grinned triumphantly. “We’re the resort to own, the one everyone wants to be seen at, be a part of, be included in. I predict that, promptly after the launch, we’ll close memberships.”

A round of applause resonated soundly in the enormous courtyard. Patricia from HR got to her feet. Margo from Legal followed. A second later, everyone at the table stood, gi

ving an ovation to Dane as much as to their own hard work.

Tears of joy burned the backs of my eyes. This was really happening. We’d overcome all the obstacles, setbacks, and terror. And there wasn’t a single person—not even Kyle, for God’s sake—who didn’t take pride in the accomplishment and show respect and appreciation for Dane.

And to meet his goal so quickly … That meant billions just from memberships alone, which only provided the privilege of setting foot on Lux property. Members still had to pay for meals, cocktails, suites/casitas, and greens fees.

My mind reeled. As if Dane’s wealth hadn’t intimidated me before.…

He lifted his glass and concluded his toast. “This is something we’ve all achieved. And I want you to know that it couldn’t have come about without you. It couldn’t have happened, period. So I hope that you’ll accept my sincere gratitude for the hours and the effort you’ve put in and, as I’ve mentioned to your staff in our earlier festivities, you will find a bonus in your next paycheck that I hope you’ll consider … generous.”
