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I cuddled closer to him, skimming my lips over his.

“Technically,” he said around me nibbling his bottom lip, “you haven’t answered my question.”

“Perhaps I’m trying to distract you.” I engaged him in slow, sexy kisses.

Dane let out a primal growl and eased me onto my back with his hard body pressing to mine. His tongue slipped inside my mouth, sliding over mine, tangling with it. He gathered up satin with a hand and lifted the side of my nightgown to my waist. While he kissed me heatedly, he sank deep into me.

My hips rose and moved with his gentle, sensual rhythm. I twined my fingers in his hair, returning his fervent kiss.

I was not so spellbound that I was oblivious to the complications of getting pulled further into Dane’s dark, mysterious world. It was just that I couldn’t break free of the mesmeric force that he was—didn’t want to break free.

Every piece of me, every fiber of my being, was wrapped around this man. I felt it in the way I responded so fiercely to his weight on me, his chest melding to mine, his kisses searing and addictive. I felt it in the way we made love, tenderly yet intensely. I saw it in his scorching gaze when he stared at me, cataloging all the emotions reflected in my eyes. He was equally ensnared.

And he was right. There was no escape.

His mouth dragged from mine and grazed my jaw, down my throat, lightly nipping at the places he knew drove me wild. One of his hands slipped around to my backside and cupped an ass cheek, lifting me more firmly against him as he thrust fully and forcefully into me.

“Dane.” My pulse raged. My insides burned. I draped a leg over his waist, holding him close. One hand remained buried in his lush locks. The other clasped his bulging biceps.

He was so thick and full inside me, pumping smoothly, the head of his cock rubbing that particularly sensitive spot. Tension gripped me, strong and vibrant, fueled as much by emotion as lust.

Marriage went against all of my personal convictions, but when we were joined like this I couldn’t deny how perfectly we fit together, how much we belonged together. Regardless of our vast differences. The worlds between us.

So as Dane’s head dipped and his mouth sucked my satin-covered nipple, I let my anti-matrimony principles incinerate with my body.

“Dane,” I said again on a sharp moan as the fire flashed through me. “Oh, God.” The erotic sensations intensified, flamed brighter, and then erupted. “Oh, Christ!”

I cried out as I came, my breath suspended for several moments as the climax took hold, blocking out everything else.

Then Dane thrust harder. Once, twice, three times. And exploded within me, filling my pussy.

I clenched him tight, never wanting to let him go.

Our heavy breaths were one in the quiet room. Our bodies were one. Even our pounding heartbeats seemed to be one. An ethereal bliss consumed me.

Dane’s warm, soft lips skated over my skin, up my neck. He kissed me softly and asked, “Is that a yes?”

My eyelids drifted open and I gazed into his sparkling emerald irises. A smile tugged at my lips as tears of happiness pooled in my eyes.

“Goes without saying, don’t you think?”

* * *

The smile that had started the previous evening, while Dane was nestled snugly inside me, remained plastered on my face. I even woke with it.

Despite being alone in our bed, I couldn’t fight the grin. Or the delirium that flowed through me.

Sparing a glance at the clock on the nightstand made me grimace. Through my smile.

It was almost ten o’clock. I never slept late. And I’d missed tee time with my dad.

Still, I was absurdly giddy as I tossed off the covers and slipped from the bed. Not fully recovered from the whirlwind Lux preparations, Dane’s lovemaking, my nonstop excitement … but feeling refreshed enough not to spend the rest of the day curled in a ball under the down comforter.

I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, then brushed my teeth. My hair was a tangled mess I didn’t even attempt to straighten. I snatched Dane’s discarded dress shirt from the night before and pulled it on, not bothering to button the flap. I crossed the hall and grabbed a black lace thong from the bureau in the dressing room, then traveled the long, wide corridor, following the scent of huevos rancheros and coffee.

Passing the great room, I heard Dane on the phone.

I stepped into the vast space, eclectically decorated with tables, chairs, and sofas scattered everywhere and floor-to-ceiling windows and glass doors that highlighted the dense forest and rushing creek beyond the terrace. The fireplace was lit to keep the morning chill at bay. I was barefoot, but the heated stone floor left me toasty warm.
