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My insides churned a bit at how personally Kyle took all this—how disappointed he looked. Slightly infuriated, too. But he was here. And I meant what I’d said. I wanted this.

He traveled the candlelit path as my dad and I lingered in the shadows and the coverage of trees.

I hadn’t set out chairs—it would be a quick ceremony and I wanted Kyle and my father standing up for me on my side at the altar. Dane’s friends on his.

Turning to my dad, I took a couple more deep breaths. Then said, “Thanks for doing this. I know you’re not thrilled it came about so fast. But the fact that you’re here … That means so much to me.”

I hadn’t even had to ask him to walk me down the aisle. He’d just known.

“Well,” he mused, though not lightly, “maybe you’ll break the pattern. Be the new normal in our family.”

I tamped down an ironic laugh. As Kyle had expressed there was nothing normal about my relationship with Dane. Or the man himself. Still. I heard what my father was telling me, what he wished for when it came to his only daughter.

A new family tradition devoid of throwing things at walls and screaming at the top of our lungs.

“It’d be a nice change of pace,” I concurred.

“Very nice.”

Kyle must have cued Tamera, because the programmed music changed and beautiful sounds from the harpist I adored wafted on the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves. The creek ran rapidly. Moonlight streaked the sky and tinted the forest a lovely silver color. Cascading arrangements of white roses and lush green foliage trimmed the makeshift altar I’d created from an antique stand in Dane’s office. Dozens of candles burned in large hurricanes, from holders of varying heights and along the pathway Rosa had helped me clear.

Had I moved past my dream of wanting a huge, extravagant ceremony so that every person I knew and worked with would know I was marrying Dane Bax? No. Would he still be conflicted that we’d had to do it this way? Yes.

But the setting was exquisite and the key people in our lives were present. And when it came right down to it, what I would cherish the most was the fact that we belonged to each other.

My father and I rounded the thicket and stepped into the small opening along the creek. I carried a single red rose as my dad escorted me.

I was cognizant of Tamera and the others, but my gaze homed in on Dane, looking insanely gorgeous in his black tuxedo. To my surprise, a traditional one with a bow tie. I suspected my dad would have no choice but to appreciate that tiny bit of conventionality. Take it where he could get it, as it were.

Dane was devastatingly handsome. So perfect. I couldn’t take my gaze from him, couldn’t get to him fast enough. Yet my dad kept us strolling at a slow, measured pace that matched the flow of the music.

My heart beat wildly and butterflies took flight, low in my belly. Not out of uncertainty, but because of what I walked toward. Dane.

When I reached him, the corners of my mouth quivered from the huge smile threatening to take over and my chest rose and fell rapidly. My dad unraveled my arm from his and offered my hand to Dane. Then he stepped away, joining Kyle to my left.

Dane’s gaze was riveting, locked on me. I had no idea how much time passed before he finally leaned forward and whispered, “You take my breath away.”

The smile broke through. Tears misted my eyes. “I did the best I could with the short time frame.”

“You can’t even begin to imagine—” He swallowed hard. His gaze smoldered. “How stunning you are.”

I tried to pull in a bit more air. No go. I prayed I wouldn’t pass out. The heat and love in his emerald irises mesmerized me.

Tamera gave us several more seconds to admire each other, stay lost in each other’s eyes.

Then she gently cleared her throat and asked, “Shall we begin?”

“Sure,” I murmured, not even glancing her way.

With a soft laugh, she said, “All righty, then.” I barely heard her words until she came to the vows. Then she graciously asked, “Do you have something prepared, or would you like me to continue?”

Dane said, “I have something for Ari.”

Amano handed him a square box with Cartier in elegant script across the top.

“Dane.” I’d known he’d go overboard.

With a grin, he said, “I don’t intend to let you down. Ever.”
