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“Breach!” was all Kyle had to shout out and my blood turned to ice.

A heartbeat later the moonlight was shrouded and shadows covered the wall we faced. Everything happened at once. I heard the ominous sound of helicopter blades and then the pop, pop, pop of automatic weapons and the shattering of glass as the doors and windows comprising the far wall exploded.

Dane shoved me out of bed and I hit the area rug covering the stone floor, his body shielding mine.

“Amsel!” I cried out in terror.

Kyle dove through the opened doorway and crawled over to the bassinet to collect my now-screaming child.

Dane yanked open the nightstand and grabbed his gun.

“You okay?” he asked me, his voice tight.

“Yes. Keep our baby safe.”

On his belly, Dane maneuvered to the end of the bed and partially rounded the corner to take aim. He quickly emptied the magazine, and the gunfire from the other side ceased.

Kyle handed the baby to me and pulled his own gun from the waist of his jeans, at the small of his back.

Dane stood in a fluid move and shoved his feet into his shoes. He’d put on a pair of black drawstring pants before we’d curled in bed. I still wore my nightgown. He took me by the arm and helped me up before we rushed from the room. We heard Amano toward the front of the house, yelling for Rosa.

Then another round blew out all the glass in the great room, from the sound of it.

Kyle said, “They’re all over the damn place. Like fucking cockroaches.” He flashed his iPad mini, with various surveillance camera angles on-screen at once.

“Not for long,” Dane said. He stormed into the great room, Amano at his side.

“Dane!” Fear seized me.

A steady barrage followed. Amsel wailed in distress. Rosa came running into the hallway in her bathrobe and slippers, swearing up a blue streak in Spanish.

Seconds later a chilling silence filled the house. Though my heart hammered in my ears and my breath lodged in my throat.

Dane and Amano stalked back into the corridor.

“Goddamn it!” Dane roared.

Kyle flicked his thumb over the screen of the mini, checking more camera angles. Then ground out, “Fuck!” All eyes landed on him. “They’re inside.”

I gaped. Held Amsel even tighter.

“How many and where?” Dane demanded.

“Three through the kitchen. Two through the laundry room.”

On opposite ends of the house.

Kyle added, “One at the front door.”

Panic sliced through me. “They’re surrounding us.”

“No,” Kyle said. “The one barreling through the front door right now is Agent Price.”

I would have breathed a sigh of relief he was still alive … if I could actually breathe.

Amano gestured for Price to follow him into the kitchen. Dane marched toward the laundry room.

Kyle stayed with Rosa, Amsel, and me in the center of the house.
