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“Haven’t seen him yet. Dr. Preston had tests to run and she’s monitoring his temperature.”

“She didn’t say it was low, did she?”

“No,” Dane assured me as his fingers threaded through my damp hair. “She said he’s fine. In fact, Macy told me we didn’t have anything to worry about. They’re just taking precautions while you sleep.”

“I want to see him. I want to hold him.”

Dane whisked fat drops from my cheeks. “I’ll let them know.” He kissed me tenderly, then asked, “Did you get enough rest?”

“Yes. I think I’ve been out for a few hours. Feels like it, anyway.”

“I’ll be right back.” He kissed me again, then gazed down at me for endless seconds, his emerald irises glowing. “I am so blown away by you. Nothing stops you; nothing holds you back. You are unbelievable, Ari Bax.”

His eyes deepened in color and a light mist covered them. More tears flowed down my cheeks.

“All I did was have a baby,” I said in my usual flippant tone, though it was tinged with emotion. “Tons of chicks do it all the time. In fact, I think I bored Rosa during labor.”

He pressed his lips to my forehead, then whispered, “You’re the most incredible person I know, and I love you desperately.”

I twined my arms around his neck and held him tightly to me, soaking in his heat, his masculine scent, his strength. Everything about him teased my senses and wrapped me in bliss. He made me so happy. Our entire family made me deliriously happy.

“Bring me our son,” I muttered against Dane’s temple. “Let’s get a good look at him together.”

Dane left me and I shifted in the bed I wasn’t even cognizant of having been moved to. I wore a nightgown Rosa must have packed. As I glanced around the room, I realized Macy had put me in the bedroom off the courtyard that I’d occupied for three months when I’d had so much trouble at the beginning of my pregnancy—and I’d believed Dane was dead.

I sighed. I’d have to make amends with Amano. I didn’t like that I’d told him he owed me. Though he hadn’t exactly played into that hand.

Or had he?

Who had called Dane? Amano or Kyle?


Would Kyle have done that again, just to make me feel better?


He was a bit too awesome for words, after all.

Dane came back to my room and took the chair next to the bed once more. “Macy’s checking in with Dr. Preston.”

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. “Think he’ll like us?”

Dane chuckled good-naturedly. “We’ll see, right?”

I inhaled deeply. “Let’s hope so.”

A few minutes later, Macy came in with a thick bundle in her arms. My heart nearly burst from my chest. My toes curled.

“Oh, God,” I breathed.

I was excited. Nervous.

So very excited. So very nervous.

It was like awaiting an interview for a dream job, filing a mortgage application, praying for approval from the private school you wanted your child to attend, and meeting the parents of your significant other all at once.

I felt ridiculously on display. Wanted a mirror to check my hair and face. Wished like hell I could brush my teeth and slap a coat of polish on the nails I’d gnawed to the nub while pushing and heaving and otherwise trying to give birth without freaking Kyle out too much.
