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I swept my fingers through his lush hair. “You’re Husband of the Century.”

He snickered, though not in jest. “You know my stance on that. I wasn’t even with you during the delivery.”

I knew better than to mention that Kyle had been. That would only twist the knife. And I needed Dane to understand that all of his angst over not being with me, about us not having a normal relationship or marriage, was wasted energy. Because I loved him. No matter the circumstances.

Keeping the mood light, I told him, “Soon to be Father of the Century.”


Scooping me up in his strong

arms, he carried me to the bed.

“And might I add, you already have Lover of the Century covered.”

He placed me gently in the bed and I cuddled under the covers with his hot and hard body next to mine.

“I plan to take that concept to all-new levels,” he told me. “When you’re ready.”

“I’ll be taking you up on that pledge very, very soon.”

* * *

After Dane left, I went back to my work in the office. He hadn’t stepped into this room while visiting, so preoccupied had he been with me and the baby. A relief. I didn’t have to explain my crazed methodologies to him or feel guilty about having taken over his space and ruining the walls with nails and permanent marker.

I really did feel bad about the latter, but I could fix it all up when the current FBI predicament was said and done.

When …

I followed news of the trials and generally tried to keep an even temperament, regardless of all the memories of the explosion they stirred up. Kyle was a little tenser than normal, and I wondered if that was for the same reason as my stress or if he was deliberating over what he’d do once the corrupt society members were behind bars and we were all free to go about our business. I didn’t get the impression he’d figured out yet what to do with his future.

I struggled a little with that as well, if things didn’t pan out with the Lux. By that, I meant if Dane decided he didn’t want to keep the resort. I’d loved it from the time I’d first set foot on the grounds, and now that I was engaged in top-secret revival planning I felt even more a part of the exclusive hotel. Amsel’s legacy.

Luckily, the two main contacts I worked with understood my need for secrecy, having partnered for numerous years with Dane on his various projects. They didn’t mind that I changed e-mail addresses and phone numbers every week when I touched base with them. I’d gotten pretty good with the covert stuff and did everything I could not to take any chances with security or compromise my progress.

The late-summer monsoon season started and Amsel seemed to enjoy the sound of the heavy rains as we sat on the covered back patio most afternoons. We were admiring a vibrant rainbow over the tops of the trees when my dad made his first visit to see the baby.

“Look at that,” Dad said in his casual tone. “You have a kid.”

I laughed. “His name is Amsel. No nickname as of yet—other than Kid.” To my son, I said, “And he’s pretty much just going to be Gramps. Nothing fancy.”

“Definitely nothing fancy,” Dad agreed as he took my son in his arms. “Aren’t you something else?”

I beamed. “Pretty awesome, huh?”

“He’s incredible. Look at all that hair.”

“I know. It’s crazy. He already looks just like Dane. He’s going to be a handsome devil, and all the girls will go nuts over him.”

“That’ll be fun for you,” Dad deadpanned.

“Yes, well, they’ll have to get past me if they want to date him.”

My dad laughed heartily. “I’m scared already.”

“So am I.”

He settled into a chair across from me. Oak Creek rushed along the smooth rocks just beyond the terrace, filling the silence. In addition to Amsel’s normal cooing. He seemed to amuse himself wiggling gleefully and making silly little noises. I was dying to know what went on inside that tiny head of his. I was completely enthralled. And, knowing how brilliant Dane was, I wouldn’t be surprised if our child was currently working out algorithms in his brain.
