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“I’m the one who struck gold.” I kissed him again, then added, “And I’m the one who needs lots of mirror time.”

“You’re perfect,” he contended, love shining in his gorgeous green eyes. “Every second of every day.”

“I want us to be perfect,” I told him. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”

Our gazes remained locked for endless moments. As usual, it was easy to forget the outside world existed when we were together. Save for one thing.

“We have a son to baptize,” I reminded Dane.

“And he’ll be sleeping with Rosa tonight, because I’m going to do some very wicked things to his mother when we’re alone again.”

I could hardly wait.

* * *

While anticipation flowed through every inch of me at the promise Dane had made, I managed to focus on getting ready before our guests arrived.

Tamera was the first to step through our doors, looking lovely as always in an ice-blue strapless minidress that did everything to make even my eyes pop.

“Geez,” I said as I took her coat. “If I weren’t thoroughly addicted to my husband, I might consider switching teams.”

She laughed in her throaty, sensual way. “Darling, you never fail to make my day. And you’re one to talk.” Her cultured British accent gently punctuated her words. “Where do you shop, Ari?”

“Since the first time Dane invited me to dinner, my hot spot has been a boutique in Tlaquepaque that collects one-offs, so I never feel as though I’m shopping off-rack.” In fact, I wore the emerald mini I’d selected for that dinner a little over a year ago. I’d chosen it because the color almost matched Dane’s eyes. He’d been mesmerized that evening, and I tended to pull it out on special occasions in hopes of keeping him captivated.

“I know precisely the boutique,” Tamera said. “By René, which is a fabulous restaurant. Let’s have lunch there soon.”

“And then we’ll shop.”

“I’m not sure I can afford your taste,” she said with a wry smile. “I’m just an ordained officiant and counselor. I haven’t married a billionaire.”

“Clearly, you don’t need to in order to look like you did. Seriously, astounding.” And I couldn’t wait to take her into the great room where Kyle was sipping scotch with Dane and Amano.

I gently clasped her hand and led her that way. I already knew Tamera found Kyle attractive. Perhaps that was why she’d dolled up for a baptism?

We entered the room and I very happily announced, “Look who stopped by to show off her fabulous legs?”

“Ari!” She swatted at me, her tawny eyes widening. “Are you out of your mind?”

Dane laughed. “Come have some champagne, Tamera.”

My friend glared at me before crossing the room to join the men. Amano was already pouring her bubbly. Kyle eyed her over the rim of his glass. He played it cool, but I caught the flicker of interest in his sky-blue irises. And bit back a smile.

He’ll get over me.

I’d do everything in my power to make sure of it. He deserved to be as deliriously happy as I was—and Tamera was too fantastic for him to pass up. I didn’t mind trying to convince him of this, though Tamera in her tight, short skirt and with her mile-long legs might do the trick all on her own.

The bell chimed again, and I excused myself to answer the door, since Rosa was busy in the kitchen. She had the baby in there as well, likely giving Amsel his first cooking lesson.

My dad arrived, looking dapper in a navy-colored suit. While Kyle and Dane filled theirs out in a way that suggested a tailor had to work some serious magic around the rock-hard biceps and powerful thighs, my dad was lean muscled and clothes hung naturally on him. He handed over a bottle of fancy sparkling water I favored and kissed me on the cheek.

“You look beautiful,” he told me.

“Thank you. I was just thinking how well you wear a suit. Kind of funny, since you live in polo shirts and Dockers.”

“One of the perks of running a golf club.”

“True.” I’d pretty much grown up in golf skirts and shirts. Sometimes in high school I’d reach for the spikes instead of tennis shoes before heading off to class and would catch myself as I walked out the door and change. Came with the territory of basically being raised on the links.
