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“Please, I’m the furthest thing from perfect.” They’d made her even more uncomfortable, put her on edge. He could tell by the chill in her tone. She quickly added, “I really must get back to Yvette. Thank you for your hospitality.”

She turned to the door. Drake was beside her in a split second, long before he could even process the thought to stop her—or stop himself from chasing after her. She’d pulled the door open and he’d placed a hand against the wood, slamming it closed. The sound echoed in the quiet room as ominously as a coffin being nailed shut.

Chapter Four

Shana gasped. Her eyes bulged. Her breath seemed to catch in her throat.

Behind them, Jane made a soft tsking sound.

Shana stepped away from Drake as he groaned.

“You think you don’t fit in…” he grumbled, unable to mask the angst in his tone. He shoved a hand through his hair as he glanced over at Jane, finding an anxious look on her face.

“How exactly did you—” Shana shook her head again, cutting off her own statement. She tried once more. “I mean, you were way over there.” She pointed to where Jane still stood. “And then you went all Twilight on me. No one moves that fast, except, you know…vampires.” She whispered the last word on a sharp breath.

It was meant to be joke, he could tell by the way she rolled her eyes.

Then she said, “But that’s ridiculous of course. They only exist in movies.” Her voice remained a soft murmur during her rumination. She clearly didn’t want to believe what her rational mind obviously hinted at as being a reality. Yet, at the same time… Her eyes grew wide and he could see it really was no joke to her.

“I’m just being melodramatic, right?”

He didn’t respond.

She gasped again. He returned to his spot next to Jane as Shana tried to grasp the reality of the shocking situation. He, in turn, tried to appear less intimidating. Less big bad wolf about to devour little red riding hood.

She stared at the two of them, disbelief evident in the way her mouth gaped. But in her shimmering eyes was that look of intrigue and fascination that emulated his own. Her interest in him had continued to burn brighter as the evening had progressed. She couldn’t hide it, even if every other part of her emitted uncertainty and incredulity.

“I only had one sip of champagne,” she said. “I’m not drunk. Or delusional.” To Drake, she added, “You move quicker than my heart beats. How is that possible?”

“Haven’t you already answered your own question?” he countered.

Shana didn’t appear to have a response to that. At least, not one she found acceptable.

“This is fortuitous, really.” Jane stepped forward, albeit with trepidation. Again, so as to not spook their guest. “You think you’re different. Imagine how we feel?”

“But I don’t believe in vam—”

“You don’t have to.” Jane’s tone was soft, her smile a friendly one.

Shana sucked in a breath, then let it out with a sharp whoosh. “Oh my God.” The color drained from her face and her back pressed to the closed door as one hand searched for the doorknob. “Am I, like, dinner?”

Jane stared at her, aghast. Drake bit back a grunt, offended.

“You’re perfectly safe in our company,” he assured her, though his voice was tight. “Our interest in you is not sustenance related.”

She stared quizzically at him. “What is your interest in me?”

“Oh dear,” Jane murmured.

Drake turned away. He returned to the living room seating in front of the glowing embers in the fireplace. Settling in a chair adjacent to the sectional, he crossed his legs and tried to appear casual. Tricky though it was. Something dangerous and forbidden and exhilarating swirled around inside him, making his gut clench and his cock throb. He’d crossed a line he shouldn’t ha

ve and wasn’t putting much effort into a retreat.

The fact was, he wanted to be open with Shana about his and Jane’s true nature. He wanted her to know them—really know them.

But how detrimental would that be to all three of them in the end?

And what on earth made him think she’d actually believe them if they continued to travel this path? She’d already admitted she didn’t buy into the idea vampires truly existed. In order to validate their claim, he or Jane would have to reveal their demon natures. Show their fangs.
