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Gazing at Michael and Sam, she said, “I have to turn her in.”

“Yes.” Michael eased onto the seat next to her and put an arm around her shoulders.

Sam paced again.

Scarlet felt shredded to the core. She’d cracked the case—and this family. She’d revealed Sam’s mother as the villain. Not an intentional one, because Scarlet considered Karina a victim of circumstance. But Karina Reed Vandenberg had, indeed, committed a crime.

It was in Scarlet’s nature to want to see justice served. Yet she could also empathize with Karina, could understand her motive. Could accept she was a woman who would go to any length to protect the people she loved. And perhaps she really had saved this family six years ago. Unfortunately, she’d torn it apart today.

With Scarlet’s help.

The backs of her eyes burned. Emotion swelled in her throat. How did relationships bounce back from something like this? Karina’s or Scarlet’s?

Scarlet was going to hand over Sam and Michael’s mother as the mastermind of the theft. She’d be committing romance homicide. Had no choice but to do so.

Michael told her, “You look wiped out. Let’s get you to my apartment so you can rest.”

She didn’t currently have the wherewithal to protest or provide another suggestion. She certainly wasn’t in any shape to wait around JFK for a flight home.

So Scarlet let Michael help her up. The trio left the mansion just as silently as they’d entered, each of them engrossed in their own dismal thoughts.

Scarlet mostly fearing that the end for the threesome was ver

y, very close at hand …


This time, it was Michael’s shoulder Scarlet slept against. She hadn’t thought she could curb all of her rampant ruminations and concerns in order to rest, but she was mentally and physically fatigued and was out almost immediately. She woke briefly when the helicopter landed and they filed into the limo. Then she cozied up next to Michael once more and dozed all the way to his apartment.

Sam cooked them a late dinner and awkward silence ensued. Scarlet only picked at her food, her stomach too twisted in knots to take on the mahi-mahi Sam had prepared. Both men quietly urged her to eat, though they knew the reason for her lack of appetite. While they cleared the table, Scarlet poured herself a glass of scotch and sipped as she stood at the tall windows, gazing out at the glittery Manhattan skyline.

Eventually, Michael joined her. He slid his arms around her waist from behind and said, “Sam and I both know you’re in a bad position.”

“It’s a horrific position,” she corrected. Then sipped.

“It’s not your doing, Scarlet. You’re not the one who committed the crime.”

She cringed. “But I am the one who brought it to light. In front of all of you. I hurt your stepmother and your father. I hurt you and Sam.” She wiggled out of Michael’s embrace and turned to face him. “I damaged your family.”

“No.” His hands gingerly cupped her face. “Wyatt Hill and Dylan Reed damaged our family.”

Scarlet’s gaze narrowed. “You don’t blame Karina?”

He blew out a soft breath. “It’s complicated. I don’t condone her actions. Of course not. But I can respect how fiercely she tried to protect everyone. She was resourceful and even courageous in fending off her adversaries. In truth, I’m mostly relieved that this didn’t turn out to be a case of her insinuating herself into my father’s life with the intention of robbing him. I still believe that she’s deeply in love with him and that everything she did was because of that love. And to keep any threat away from her son. And me. Now it’s all over.”

“Hardly,” Scarlet scoffed. She stepped away from Michael, out of his reach. Drained her cocktail. The liquid burning down her throat was actually a welcomed sensation to the pain and uncertainty slicing through her. She set the glass aside and said, “I will forever be known as the woman who turned Sam’s mother in. Your stepmother. Mitcham Vandenberg’s wife. Sam’s not going to forgive me. I’m not even sure you’ll be able to forgive me. And, Jesus, your father … That man will gladly squash me like a bug the first chance he gets.”

Her heart hurt. This really was the beginning of the end.

But Michael didn’t exacerbate her worries. Instead, he gently gripped her upper arms and stared deep into her eyes. “Sweetheart, you did what you had to do by investigating and pressing Karina until she told the truth. And it was the right thing to do. Not to mention, I’m fairly sure she can breathe easier now that her darkest deed has been revealed and she no longer has to fear discovery. In fact, chances are damn good she’s glad to be free of all the secrecy.”

Michael pulled Scarlet to him and held her tight. Tears stung her eyes and she wanted to give in to them and have a really good cry. But she still had work to do.

“I need to talk to Sam,” she said. “Doesn’t have to be alone. In actuality, I’d prefer it if you were with me.”

“He’s in the den.”

Michael released her and followed her through the apartment. They found Sam sprawled in an oversized leather chair, scotch in hand. He was staring out the windows as Scarlet had done when Michael had comforted her. Her hand slid over Sam’s shoulder as she rounded the chair.
