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Sam glared at him.

“Right.” Michael sighed. “Not likely until we’ve seen Scarlet.”

“I hope the police have nailed the asshole who rammed her. I’m guessing it was a drunk driver.”

/> “Chances are good.”

Michael stared out the window, into the dark night, and stewed. He very much wanted to kick the shit out of whoever did this to Scarlet. And while he was trying to keep a level head and project some calm so Sam didn’t get further agitated, Michael’s insides were twisted and his rage simmered just below the surface.

He was anxious to see Scarlet but trying damn hard not to amp Sam’s fury and worry. Making it feel like the longest fucking trek across country for Michael.

He considered discussing the news Scarlet had already shared with him, but he didn’t know if she’d broached the subject with Sam yet or if she’d still intended to tell him about his dad and twin brother in person. And besides, talking about it would only heap more strife on Sam at the moment.

And because Michael knew from experience how wrecked Sam had been following the car accident he and Cassidy had been in, he didn’t want to torment Sam.

So to pass the time, Michael did a little mindless work that would be easy to toss aside if Sam decided he needed to bend his ear. But Sam was currently keeping his thoughts and angst to himself.

When they finally landed at the small community airport in River Cross, the sun was already up. The tension both Michael and Sam felt didn’t ease even as they drove a rented SUV that was waiting for them to the hospital. Sam called Scarlet’s cell and she answered. Sam put her on speaker.

Michael asked her, “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

“Like I’ve been mowed over by a steamroller. But mostly, my head is throbbing, despite the pain meds.”

Sam winced. Michael continued to strive for an even keel. No easy feat. He said, “We’re almost to the hospital, according to our GPS. You’re still there?”

“Yes. I just got word that I’m cleared for discharge this morning. Jewel brought me clothes, so I should be ready to get the hell out of here before they serve me any sort of breakfast slop.”

Michael chuckled. “Nice to know your feisty spirit is still intact.”

Sam said, “We’ll get you settled at your house and I’ll make something to eat. Is your grandmother home? We’re not going to throw her for a loop that we’re both here?”

“She’s still on a research trip. And she’d be impressed you both came running.…” Scarlet paused, then added, “I’m impressed. Grateful. Comforted. All that mushy stuff.”

“Mushy’s fine, darlin’,” Sam assured her. “I’m a bit torn up and Michael is ready to spit nails.”

“Hey, I’ve been perfectly cool,” Michael insisted through clenched teeth because he was still worked up.

Sam snorted. “There’s murder in your eyes and your jaw hasn’t loosened since Kalispell. Probably not since New York.”

Michael tried to school his features to not be so stony. He hadn’t realized he’d been wearing his emotions on his face—thought he was doing a much better job of dealing with the situation.

Well, it wasn’t much of a surprise, really. He was upset about Scarlet. Couldn’t wait to see her. And was so damn glad she wasn’t worse off.

Was alive.

“I’ve got some paperwork to sign,” she told them. “So I’ll see you when you get here. Room two-sixteen.”

“We’ll be there in ten,” Sam said before hanging up.

“I’m impressed as well,” Jewel mused with a knowing look on her pretty face and a twinkle in her sapphire eyes. “Clearly, they couldn’t get here fast enough. And when I spoke with Sam last night, he was severely on edge. Those two are deeply concerned about your health and well-being. Very into you, girlfriend.”

Scarlet nodded, despite the pounding in her head, above her right eye where there’d been a huge gash to stitch closed. She said, “I’m so glad they came. I just want to be in their arms right now. Especially Sam. That must have been pure hell for him to be on the line when I crashed. I mean, how horrific to relive that epic disaster in his life, having absolutely no control over what was happening to me, no ability to save me. Or even have the chance to try.”

“I imagine he hasn’t had a moment of peace since your Range Rover flipped. And won’t until he sees for himself that you’re okay. Well, relatively speaking. You are a little ghostly.”

“Thanks for washing most of the blood out of my hair with the towel. Now I need some makeup. One of the police officers who responded to the call retrieved my stuff from my car and brought it all by. Josh Larkin from high school. Remember him? Anyway, there’s makeup in my purse. Oh, and I told Josh I caught the first three letters of the license plate as it whizzed by. White SUV. Maybe an Explorer.”

Jewel’s brow lifted.
