Page 34 of Bought: One Bride

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When he yanked open the top drawer of his bedside chest and picked up a box of condoms, Holly blinked. Having that much protection on hand was hardly the act of a man who hadn’t looked at a woman in the last eighteen months. Richard’s mother didn’t know him any better than she did.

But Holly was beyond caring at this moment. Desire had a very narrow focus.

“You don’t need to use protection,” she blurted out. “Not unless you think it’s necessary. I…I’m on the pill.”

“You’re not at any risk from me,” he reassured her as he tossed the box back into the drawer and pushed it shut.

“Don’t…don’t you think I’d better take these shoes off?” she said when he went to climb back on the bed. “They have very sharp heels.”

“If you like. But not the belt. The belt stays. No, let me…”

She gasped when he took her by the ankles and pulled her crossways on the bed. He removed the left shoe first, dropping it onto the floor before bending her knee up and placing the sole of her foot flat on the edge of the bed. Then he did the same thing with her right foot, placing it so that her legs were far enough apart for him to see every secret, glistening part of her.

Her heart started thudding as he stared down at her. One part of her wanted to close her legs. But it was not the strongest part.

Finally, he came forward to kneel between her legs, his hands reaching to run up and down the front of her thighs. Her belly tightened, then trembled. Heat flooded her face as he continued to stare at her down there.

“Don’t,” she choked out. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“I want to look at you like that. I like seeing how much you want me. You do want me, Holly, don’t you?”

“You know I do,” she cried, shaken by the force of her wanting. “Oh, please…don’t tease me, Richard.”

“Tell me what you want.”

“Just you.”

“So easily pleased,” he muttered, then did what she craved, entering her with a single, forceful thrust.

Her mouth fell open on a raw cry, her buttocks contracting fiercely. He scooped them up high with his hands and began driving into her with a long, slow, relentless rhythm, his eyes narrowing on hers as he did so.

“Oh, God,” she gasped.

Her head began to twist from side to side on the bed, her eyes squeezing shut in an effort to hide the wild pleasure in them.

“No, don’t close your eyes,” he commanded gruffly. “Open them. Look at me!”

She opened them and stared up at him.

Did he want to watch her climax? Or did he want her to watch him climax?

Both prospects excited her.

What kind of girl was she to like lovemaking like this?

“Stop thinking,” he ordered her. Then, before she could protest, he rolled over onto his back, taking her with him, like a yacht tossed in a storm. Suddenly, she was on top of him, swaying like a mast.

Her knees dug into the mattress on each side of him to steady herself, the action automatically lifting her hips, her internal muscles contracting to stop him from slipping out of her body. He grunted, then pulled her down hard onto him so that he was buried inside her to the hilt.

Holly blushed when he reached for her breasts, which were oh, so accessible to him now.

“No need for you to be shy,” he said as he stroked his hands down over her breasts, each action ending with a tug on her nipples. “You have truly magnificent breasts,” he said in a desire-thickened voice, doing the same action over and over, each tug on her nipples pulling her forward till she was leaning over him, her breasts dangling close to his lips, her nipples harder than they had ever been.

“Put one in my mouth.”

His erotic request evoked another flood of heat in Holly. But there was no thought of denying him. Unlike with Dave, she didn’t feel Richard was lying to her when he complimented her body. His eyes reflected true admiration as he touched her. True excitement, too. His flesh felt even fuller inside her. Harder. Thicker.

When she directed one of the aching nipples between his lips, he drew the whole aureole into his mouth, sucking on it and playing with her at the same time. Not her other breast this time, but her buttocks, stroking them, then cupping them, lifting her bottom up and down, up and down, up and down.

Holly’s moans reflected the sensations that began bombarding her body.

As much as she wanted to please Richard, it wasn’t long before she needed to sit up, to ride him, to pursue release from the tortuous feelings building up within her belly. Her pleasure had turned dark, and desperate.

Wrenching her breast out of his mouth, she began to ride him, quite frantically. She was dimly aware of his hands grabbing her hips, of his urging her on, of his hot hungry words of encouragement.
