Page 35 of Bought: One Bride

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But she didn’t really need any help. She was now in command of the situation. In control. No, not in control, she thought with a hint of hysteria when her hair fell down and her mouth fell open.

He came before her, but it was only a matter of a few seconds. Perhaps his release triggered hers. Whatever, the sensation of coming with Richard deep inside her blew Holly away. She could not get over the way he felt, the way she felt. Even before her contractions began to fade she knew she could never walk away from Richard after this. She would be whatever he wanted her to be. Girlfriend. Mistress. Wife.


“Oh, God,” she cried as she collapsed across his chest, unable to stay upright any longer.

Another ragged sigh puffed from her lungs.

“Is that a good sigh or a bad sigh?” he asked softly.

She didn’t lift her head or answer him for a while, amazed to find that, once her orgasm was totally over, some common sense came back.


She dragged her head up a few inches, pushing her hair out of her face at the same time. “Don’t be silly. How could it be a bad sigh? That was incredible.”

“You were incredible,” he said, looping her hair behind her ears for her.

“I…I’m not normally like that,” she said truthfully, putting her head back down on his chest.

“Maybe it’s this belt,” he murmured, stroking down her back till he reached it. He began rubbing his hand back and forth across the links, touching her skin at the same time, making her break out into goose-bumps.

“Maybe,” she said with a shiver.

“In that case, you’re not allowed to take it off tonight,” he said. “In fact, you have to keep it on all weekend.”

Holly’s head jerked up. “What do you mean, all weekend?”

“You don’t honestly think I’m going to let you go home in the morning, do you? Not after that performance just now. You’re going to stay here. With me. Till I take you home Monday morning.”


“No buts. And no clothes. Just that belt, and wall-to-wall sex.”

She blushed wildly, both shamed and excited by what he was proposing.

“But for now,” he swept on, “I think it’s time for a shower together. Or would you prefer a bath? You choose.”

She stared up at him.

You choose.

Such a simple choice, really. But either answer carried potential danger. Holly wasn’t the sort of girl who could separate sex and love indefinitely.

He’d called the belt around her waist the chains of love. If she wore it for him all weekend—and nothing else—the chains of love would surely slip around her heart.

Holly wasn’t sure what Richard wanted from her ultimately, but she knew one thing. Love wasn’t on his agenda.

If only he hadn’t chosen that moment to withdraw from her body, showing her what her world would be like without him.

“Come along,” he said, and scooped her up out of the bed. “I can see I will have to make all the decisions where you’re concerned.”

Holly didn’t like the sound of that. If she was going to be weak, she was going to be weak on her terms.

“A shower,” she pronounced as he carried her into the all blue bathroom. “And this belt comes off first.”

He ground to halt. “Why? I like it on you.”

So did she. Too much.

“It’s only cheap silver plating,” she told him as she struggled to unhook it. “It might tarnish if it gets wet.”

“I’ll buy you a new one if it does,” he pronounced, then carried her, belt and all, into the shower.


HOLLY woke with her silver belt still encircling her waist, and Richard’s hand over her right breast. Fortunately, he was sound asleep. Totally dead to the world.

As well he should be, she thought with remembered awe as she very carefully lifted his hand off her breast, placed it palm down on the mattress, then slid out from under the sheets.

She’d been spot on when she’d said he would be good at everything. But he wasn’t just good at sex. He was absolutely fabulous. He also had amazing stamina. My God, anyone would think he hadn’t had sex in yonks. She couldn’t count the number of times he’d made love to her. And not in the same way twice!

She now knew he was also a good kisser in places she’d never imagined being kissed before. She’d also been educated in a couple of positions she had never tried before.

Holly shook her head as she tiptoed into the bathroom. Even before she shut the door behind her, the memories of what had happened in there flooded back. Richard hadn’t been the only one last night who’d surprised her. Her own sexual shenanigans had been wickedly uncharacteristic.
